Sunday Selections #27

It's Sunday Selections time again!
(my how time flies...)

Time to post photos that have been hiding away in your computer files, photos that you may have completely forgotten about.
Have a hunt through and find them.

This idea comes to us from Kim at frogpondsrock, who realised one day that she takes many more photos than she uses, as we all do, and wanted to post some of the older ones on her blog.
A once a week meme seemed like a good idea, so Sunday Selections was born, and anyone at all can join in.

I often choose a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week my theme is:


        Angel; the cherub who used to sit in the big tub with my cherry tree.

        A homemade bird nest with a toy fluffy duck.

                    Cap'n Jack; christmas tinsel still attached.

                   A happy little band of frogs.

                    Gecko Towers

      Gauze and wire dragonfly clinging to the shadecloth.

           Halloween ghoul and bats still hanging around in the carport.

           Another cute little dragonfly.

             The lovebirds in the manchurian pear tree.

               Happy Dwarf; just hanging around.

                     Voodoo skulls; protecting my home from evil.

              Draco; not outside like the others, he is my front door guard.

To join in with Sunday Selections, post photos of your choice under the Sunday Selections title, then go to Kim's site, add your name to her linky list and leave her a comment.
Then have a look at what others have posted for their selections.
There are some really good photographers out there.


  1. Love the birds nest. Lust after the dragon. They all brought a smile to my face. Thanks. I hope your hands are getting better.

  2. What does it say that it took me a moment to realize that half of those weren't real birds or bugs? I'm not sure if I just got up ttoo early or am really unobservant *sigh*

    It's certainly not lonely out there :)

  3. I would say your house is very well protected from evil anything. Looks like you got both the front and the back covered. I like your photos and it's nice to have little friends in your yard. I have those butterflies and birds on sticks amidst my flowers.

  4. EC; my ex made the birds nest, he's talented that way. The dragon was bought a a garden/nursery centre many years ago. Hands are improving, but it's an ongoing thing. Good days, bad days.

    amandab; you just got up too early. What I've pictured is only part of what there is.

    Manzanita; Thanks. I love those butterflies and birds on sticks. I must get some.

  5. Love your collection, not one evil critter will darken your doorstep lol.

  6. Poor Cherub looks very sad indeed maybe you should put him back under the cherry tree. Like the band of frogs with their bulging eyes and your house is very well protected from evil doings by the Voodoo Skulls and Bones plus Draco the Dragon :-).

  7. Jayne; it's a happy litle place, I've felt that from the first day.

    Windsmoke; sadly, the cherry tree is gone, I plan on planting some alyssum around the base of the cherub so he/she has something to look at.

  8. These all brought a smile to my face. Love the fluffy duck in the nest. I also have a dragon in my yard.

  9. It's a whole mini-world out there in your yard!

  10. I had a peek at nature from a different perspective too ... nice post!

  11. Oooh, I do love Captain Jack and the skulls!! Well, I would. ;)

  12. If I had a next like that it would be occupied by Cheeky Charlies in a heartbeat, they next in my hanging pot plants. Must admit, I'm guilty of still having a string of LED christmas lights on the back verandah. Too pretty to take down

  13. Hanging out a pair of your bloomers should definitely keep evil spirits away.

  14. learncreatedo; poor ducky was found abandoned on the side of the footpath, so he got a wash and a new home.

    Tat@Muminsearch; welcome to drifting. I like having little things to see from every window.

    Cherie; thanks

    Jay; lots of people like my Cap'n Jack.

    Baino; there's nothing wrong with Christmas lights all year round.

    R.H. Plain or frilly? You cheeky thing you!

  15. Suit yourself, style never bothered me!


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