Sunday Selections #26

It's Sunday Selections time again!

Time to post photos that have been hiding away in your computer files, photos that you may have completely forgotten about.
Have a hunt through your files and find them.

This idea comes to us from Kim at frogpondsrock, who realised one day that she takes many more photos than she uses, as we all do, and wanted to post some of the older ones on her blog.
A once a week meme seemed like a good idea, so Sunday Selections was born, and anyone at all can join in.

I often choose a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week my theme is:


                                                     bottlebrush  (callistemon)


                                                       pink daisy

                                                   geranium buds



                                                          jade flowers


                                                        pink borage

                                             something pink ( I don't know the name of this one)

To join in with Sunday Selections, post photos of your choice on your blog, under the Sunday Selections title, then go to Kim's site, add your name to her linky list and leave her a comment.

Then have a look at what others have posted for their selections.
There are some really good photographers out there.


  1. Love them. And am jealous of the hollyhock. Thanks.

  2. Good enough to be greeting cards.

  3. I like the photos of the Bottle Brush and the Grevillea two of my favourite Aussie Natives :-).

  4. EC; I like the hollyhock so much I printed it to use as a bookmark.

    Delores; thank you.

    drb; Now tell me who and how to contact....

    windsmoke; the grevillea is beautiful, bottlebrush gets up my nose in hayfever season.

    peskypixies; thank you.

  5. Are all these your flowers? How beautiful. They are all lovely and bottlebrushes always fascinate me.
    This posting of the pictures is a great idea.


  6. Lovely, Do you eat your borage flowers River? They are very nice to nibble on in the garden and brighten up a salad :)x

  7. I love pink! It's my favourite colour. I didn't know you could get pink borage. It's beautiful. Love the bottlebrush & grevillea too. Gorgeous photos :)

  8. I keep meaning to hook up with frogpondsrock because I love the photos shared there. These are such a nice contrast to the grey sky I see outside my window today River. Thank you x

  9. Manzanita; no, these are mostly flowers I've seen on my wanderings around my neighbourhood. The borage and the jade flowers are mine.

    Kim; the borage died back through over watering, it's growing back now but not flowering yet. When it does, I'll taste the flowers.

    Sleepydwarf; the borage flowers open as pink then change colour through purple to blue as they mature.

    Sarah; I thought people would appreciate a little colour now that the skies are so often grey.

  10. Great joy to be had from contemplating a garden. The Bottle Brush and the Grevillea are just a buffet for honeyeating birds, and the calisthenics of swinging wattlebirds is always funny. Thanks for sharing with us.

  11. A wonderful selection of different pinks. Until now I never realized how much I like pink. Honestly. I want a pink border in my garden now :-)

  12. Marshall Stacks; there's a bottle brush in the yard two doors down from me and a hibiscus hanging over my back fence. The honeyeaters are a joy to watch when they land in them.

    Carolina; when I was little, I hated pink. I came to enjoy it later when I discovered all the different shades in gardens.


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