Sunday Selections #29

It's Sunday Selections time again!
Time to post photos that have been hiding away in your computer files.
Photos that you may have completely forgotten about.
Have a hunt through and find them.

Sunday Selections comes to us from Kim at frogpondsrock, who realised one day that she takes many more photos than she uses, as we all do, and wanted to post some of the older ones on her blog.

A once a week meme seemed like a good idea, so Sunday Selections was born, and anyone at all can join in.

I often choose a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week my theme is:


Just for Kim, who loves clouds so much.
These were taken as I walked to work just before 6.30 last Tuesday morning.

To join in with Sunday Selections, post photos of your choice under the Sunday Selections title, go to Kim's site, add your name to her linky list, then leave her a comment.
Then have a look at what others have posted for their selection.
There are some really good photographers out there.


  1. where is the sunrise ? You have a good sense of photography

  2. Lovely, I especially like the blurring/smudging of the light in the last one.The first one looks kind of spooky, which I like :)

  3. Fantastic photos, i especially like the first photo because it looks like a face in the dark sky watching you :-).

  4. Delores; thank you.

    BaliMoz; the sunrise was about 15 minutes later.

    Amanda; that blurring was totally accidental, but it does look good.

    EC; thank you.

    Windsmoke; I didn't notice a face until you pointed it out.

  5. Nice photos, River.

    You should take a look at Skywatch Friday.




  6. Plasman; I've seen a few skywatch Fridays, but maybe I looked at the wrong ones. I saw blue sky after blue sky after blue sky, or sunsets, sunsets, sunsets.......

    Emma Seree; sadly the storm didn't happen. I love a good storm too.

  7. Thank you for the clouds River, I hope you are feeling less stressed now ((hugs)) to you my friend. xx


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