Still on last Saturday

As I meandered through the parklands, enjoying the weather and not in any hurry to be home, I came across this->

One of those "here's-one-I-prepared-earlier" campfire sites.

Over to the side a bit....

a small pile of bark chips to get the flames going,

and a pile of rocks to circle the fire.

Did you notice the fence behind the pile of bark chips?
This has been set inside the locked gate of a children's playground.
The outside of the fence has a notice banning smoking and I would think that includes campfires too.

From here I moved back onto the streets and saw these things....

one of my favourite balconies. I like that it still has the original verandah roof  over it.

a door with paint deeply cracked from the heat of flames that burned the interior perhaps.
There is evidence of smoke damage on other parts of the building.

peeling paint on the brick wall adjacent to the above building.

a well maintained old stone cottage in an inner city suburb.

There are many of these in Adelaide, close to the city and in far flung suburbs too.
When properly cared for they are beautiful homes.

Many of them are also used as offices.


  1. I really like the porch on that stone looks so homey.

  2. Those pesky pyromaniacs are EVERYWHERE!!!

  3. The verandah and roof are very nicely done, and not over done like many Victorian buildings.

  4. I reckon stone cottages have their own individual character and soul unlike today dwellings which all look the same.

  5. Indeed and thanks for this. A posting that sparks the imagination.


  6. An ecclectic set of pictures today. The door photo is a great study.

  7. I do love the old stone cottages that Adelaid has. And I love them even better when they have a bright cottage (of course) garden that you can see from the street.

  8. Delores; there are similar porches all over Adelaide, I think all over Australia.

    Red Nomad; yes, they really burn me up thinking about the damage. Of course, this may have been accidental.

    Andrew; I agree, it looks very nice. So many have modern porches and verandahs tacked on that just don't look right.

    Windsmoke; I lived in a big old stone villa for 6 of my childhood years and it was the best house ever!

    klahanie; you're welcome.

    Joanne Noragon; the depth of cracking on the door makes me think the heat must have been really intense. Hopefully no-one was inside at the time. It's old damage, I've walked past it many times over the years.

    Elephant's Child; cottage gardens work so well with the old homes and they fit pretty nicely with more modern places too. I think you'll like the garden I plan to show on Sunday.

  9. Ooooh, I love the old Adelaide cottages. Would love to own and live in one some day....

  10. Kath Lockett; we'll keep our fingers crossed for a big Lotto win then.

  11. The first image is like a bush sculpture... hope it's not pyromaniacs! The other images are lovely... especially the peeling-paint door... love the patina of age.

  12. gaby@727m2; I suspect it's probably kids playing at camping out.


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