Sunday Selections # 263

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.
  Andrew often joins in too.
 A newer participant is Snoskred.
I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week  I have photos of a garden I visited last weekend for a party I attended.
There aren't many photos, as most of the ones I took had people in them; I can't show those without getting permission and I don't know many of the people I saw there.

a glimpse of summer sky through the cottonwood tree

this is a very up-market version of a porta-loo

called "The Outhouse" it has two very nice toilets,

one on either side of this lovely little washbasin. What a great idea for parties!
You can view these online at
email address is

They are South Australian manufactured and owned. We're a great state!  :)

down in a small hollow is a beautiful old walnut tree,

behind it, a smaller, equally old, apple tree. It's double grafted and produces granny smiths and red delicious.

looking up the slope of the hollow you see a pretty seat in the sunshine.

the palest of pink hydrangeas were blooming,

and across the path, purple ones.

looking down into the hollow.

a baby tree fern.

another glimpse of summer sky.

the food was fabulous, beginning with salad platters and dips, followed by chicken shaslicks, sandwiches, little hot savoury somethings that I can't quite remember and mini burgers.

these tiny fruit tarts were fabulous! I knew they would be, I used to make slightly bigger versions for summer desserts and still have the recipe. These were a little different, with the pastry cases having a brush of chocolate around the inside. The single remaining sour cherry tart had a stronger flavour, very yummy.

mini custard eclairs, which I absolutely love, so I had two; the tattooed male in the background there is my son J. I can't comment on the cupcakes, I didn't try one.

I did however, eat a couple of these delicious little morsels. Red velvet cupcakes with yummy toppings. 
All the food was mini sized so people didn't get too full from any one thing, thus enabling us to sample everything.


  1. No pastry would be safe from me!
    My very favorite art fairs featured upscale loo's. You have not idea how wonderful it is to wash your hands with real soap and water after a pee.

  2. That is a very upscale loo - and I love it.
    And am glad that the treats are on screen and not within reach.

  3. Having small food is the best way to eat at a party. The loo is impressive and the garden nicely imperfect. You may not party often, but when you do, you choose very nice parties.

  4. Finger food can be so very tasty and versatile as it appears to have been from your photos from the party. It's great to have a variety of savoury and sweet to choose from...suiting all tastes and appetites.

    Hydrangeas are always so lovely; they make a wonderful display.

    Have yourself a great week ahead, River...cuddles to Angel. :)

  5. Joanne; isn't that the best thing! Real soap and water and a proper towel. one party goer was heard to say she wants to take The Outhouse home and keep it!

    Elephant's Child; the loo was lovely, imagine having one outside permanently so garden dirt wouldn't get tracked inside.

    Andrew; I've always thought party food should be small sized, because at parties people seem to just keep eating/nibbling. Small sizes mean less calories and less indigestion later. The garden is a work-in-progress, even though it is already improved about 300% from when these people first moved in there.

    Lee; finger foods are easier to eat too, in a garden setting. No knives and forks to worry about :)
    I love hydrangeas, I grew a whole row of them when I lived near Sydney.

  6. I love the outhouse, that looks gorgeous! ;)

    1. I really, completely enjoyed your lovely water and beach scenes for this week!

  7. Snoskred; it does and you can see other options by visiting the website.

  8. What lovely images of the party you attended, River.
    That upmarket porta-loo is pretty amazing!
    Compared to those I've been in at events and markets.

    Love those wee eclairs... I wouldn't have stopped at two, and would be prepared to risk a wrist slap, lol.

  9. I had to look up chicken shaslicks, of course, and found they most closely resemble the kebabs and satays which are popular here... occasionally the kidling and Great Scot prevail upon me to make satay on the grill in summer. The fruit tarts remind me of those which were served in a popular vegetarian eatery, the Zen Den, a couple of decades ago. They've since closed and are missed terribly!

    The 'loo looks luxurious but nothing at all like the outhouses I recall from childhood, thank goodness!

    It's a beautiful setting for a lovely party; so glad you enjoyed yourself. =)

  10. ... hello River..
    wow... the party food looks so delicious... I love nibble food..
    The garden is lovely... I really like the old trees.. fancy an apple tree with 2 kinds of apples.. wonderful...
    Have a great day.... hugs... Barb xxx

  11. Vicki; I had to stop at two, I was already pretty stuffed from bread and cheese, chicken shaslicks and mini burgers (*~*)
    Everybody there loved The Outhouse!

    The Cranky; we call them kebabs too, but there's another kind of kebab and I didn't want to confuse people. I used to make those fruit tarts myself years ago, I really should make some again one day.

    Barbara; Finger foods are the best for parties, I've found.
    I had plans to get multi-grafted trees when I lived in my previous home, but circumstances were against me and that dream is gone now.

  12. That loo is excellent...certainly a great State is SA.
    I do so like the hydrangeas.

  13. Margaret-whiteangel; hydrangeas are one of my favourites too. The family that thought up those fancy porta-loos had a brilliant idea; now have a nice little business.

  14. Beautiful park. And that porta loo is almost nicer than our regular bathroom at home... Maybe this is the option I take to get a second toilet in the house??

  15. That does NOT look like a porta-potty. It's nicer than my bathroom at home!

  16. Goodness, it's like a breath of fresh air and tasty treats stopping by here today. I'm enjoying the idea of no winter in every photo! Enjoy your day!


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