Musical Monday # 106

Musical Monday

I was introduced to Musical Monday by Delores who copied the meme from another site.

I think it’s a fun way to show off some of the music we like and brighten up our Mondays at the same time. 

I’ll be finding my clips on you tube, so will simply credit that site since there are often so many versions of everything and I wouldn’t want to accidentally credit the wrong artist.

Today’s clip is: Rod Stewart

Rhythm of My Heart

and the lyrics :)


  1. Good Monday morning to you, River. I hope it's the beginning to a great week!

    1. S.J.Qualls; thank you. Today was terrific, so it's off to a good start.

  2. Another one, who keeps on keeping on. The old rockers can't give up can they? (For which I am grateful.)

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm grateful too, although this song is an old one I'm sure Rod is still recording. and why would they quit when they're doing what they love?

  3. Hello River
    Yes Mr Rod certainly has the rhythm - he just keeps on going.
    Just like me this week when I got into the rhythm of finishing off my knitting. And found a song to go with it.

    1. I listened to your knitting song. It actually would drive me crazy.

    2. Cathy; Rod Stewart has great rhythm, quite a few of his songs are on my walkman for listening to as I walk. They really help to keep the feet going. I'll have to pop over and listen to your knitting song.

    3. Granny Annie; I listened to the knitting song and you're right, once is enough. It is funny though.

  4. The number of his he has had over many years proves how talented he is.

  5. He could sing a song with more feeling than most .

    1. Merle; possibly because he's lived more emotionally than most. You can't get feeling in your voice without having had the experience, I think.

  6. Aha....great minds think alike....I'm playing Rod Stewart music this morning. Oh...Sir Rod...I meant to say! :)

    1. Lee; I forgot he is Sir Rod now. I love his songs.

  7. .. great start to the week..thanks River.. I'll rock through the housework now ....
    ..hugs.. Barb xxxx

    1. Barbara; I rocked through a mountain of dishwashing myself, with my playlist turned up nice and loud.

  8. I have always liked the sound of Rod Stewart's voice. That was fun watching the videos this morning. Have a great day!!!

    1. Cheryl; in Ros Stewart's case I noticed the rhythm and the beat first, then I really listened to the lyrics. But I have to admit, neither would bee as effective without his voice.Think of one of today's many "boy bands" trying to carry it off.

  9. Rod Stewart, what a smoothie. Bullshit is the way to a woman's heart.

  10. Rod Stewart, what a smoothie. Bullshit is the way to a woman's heart.

  11. R.H. Bullshit doesn't work for all of us women, we can see through most of that. Although a lot of women, inexperienced or not, can still be taken in if there is money attached.

  12. Definitely not a Rod Stewart fan but loved the pictures that went with the lyrics. :)

  13. Sorry, seems I liked it so nice I said it twice.
    I noticed women falling for bullshit when I was eight years old. They're naive. Emotional...Dead easy to put things over them. It's Romance, they'll never stop looking for it, right to the end.

  14. Aahhh....Rod Stewart......Takes me back to some important
    decisions in my life. I never liked to face decisions or change. LOL


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