Sunday Selections # 280

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.
I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week follows on from last week with photos I took walking to the bus stop.

"no-one's" jade plant, grown from a cutting I took from my own garden. I planted four, in pots, to grow up and shade her front window. This is the only one that's doing well; the others have some catching up to do. It's still a long way from shading the window, but it will get there in the end.

"no-one's" very first jade flower.

here's the sun disappearing behind the clouds

more clouds

clouds and trees

darker clouds

beginning to fill the sky

not much blue in this section of sky

more blue on this side

same clouds, different angle

last cloud photo.

Snowy's, a store on Richmond Road, Keswick

"outdoors made easy" Snowy's sells all kinds of hiking and camping gear. You can see the store is orange, and right next to it, fitting right in with the colour scheme, is this>>>

a fence covering creeper called Pyrostegia. Flame Vine. Or Flame Creeper.

a winter-flowering creeper

so bright you could almost warm your hands over it; here you see it growing up high over the sign

some of the flower tubes have opened,

some are newly formed and not yet fully coloured.
This plant is very easy to grow and once established just takes off like a passion fruit vine does.


  1. I take a lot of sky/cloud photos, they always intrigue me. As for that flame creeper - Gorgeous!

    1. I'm going to try this individual reply thing. I grew a flame creeper in my previous home, along the back fence, where hubby had planted a passionfruit vine. He wanted fast coverage because he was convinced the back fence neighbours could see into our windows. Silly man. Neither of us eats passionfruit.

  2. We need some Flame Creeper in this neck of the earth!

    1. I'm pretty sure they will grow almost anywhere. Check with your local nurseries. Maybe they have something similar if pyrostegia doesn't grow there.

  3. Oooh those clouds. And the Flame Creeper. What a dramatic charmer...

    1. The clouds were beautiful on that day, mostly fluffy and white or fluffy and dark, but my favourites are the ones edged with sunlight.
      The flame creeper is fast growing once established and very hardy.

  4. Well, orange is the next black they say!

    I hope you have a colourful week of the best kind in the seven days ahead, River. Cuddles to Angel. :)

    1. orange is orange and black is black, and one will never be the other. Orange may be popular, but never for long. That's also a movie isn't it? Orange is the New Black, I've heard it somewhere, but can't recall.

    2. It's a TV series, River...and I was just joking around with the term. :)

    3. I knew it was something on film.

  5. The Flame Vine gives a mass of orange colour always looks magnificent.
    The sky, lovely to see the blue with a few clouds..

  6. Margaret-whiteangel; the flame vine is one of my favourites, always a reliable grower. I love honeysuckle too, sweet scented, but doesn't bring on my hayfever.
    Stormy clouds are great against blue skies.

  7. I don't know the Flame Vine and it is quite gobsmacking. Your cloud photos are terrific. You can never take such photos in Asian countries, where pollution and haze constantly hangs in the sky.

    1. Andrew; an excellent reason to never go to Asia.

  8. The jade blooms and the flame vine blooms are very impressive!

    1. Joanne; they're among my favourites, one starry, one fiery.

  9. I must get a flame creeper I need more colour in winter time.
    Is it a long walk to the bus stop.

    1. Merle; it's a large, vigorous creeper and will take over a fence in no time once it becomes established. most bus stops are only five minutes walk this close to the city. much further out in the suburbs.

  10. The Jade Plant has very pretty star flowers.
    I agree with Merle, the Flame Creeper offers a vibrant shot of colour in winter.

    Gorgeous clouds!
    Clouds and sky shots are always a favourite with me, just ask EC ;)

    1. Vicki; clouds are always great shots, they keep changing. If you ever get to see a fully grown jade bush in full bloom, you'll know why I plant them.


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