well, that's annoying (Wednesday's Words phrase)

There I was, sitting reading blogs, reading a book, daydreaming for several hours, all alone at the table, then I thought maybe I should get up and do something. 

Quick as a flash, Angel was up on the table demanding his daily patting and scratching.
How did he know? I hadn't said anything out loud, hadn't even taken my feet off the coffee table yet.
So of course I had to stay seated and once I'd made that decision, Angel had had enough petting and moved back to the bed for another long nap. 

Well, that's annoying!  (using the phrase from Words for Wednesday)

Oh well. I'm sitting and staying. The washing can wait until the weekend and there's no cooking to be done. I have home made bean&pasta soup thawing for my dinner, with a stack of toast, that will do nicely.

Now a question: Is there an age limit to this voting thing? Or do I have to continue toddling off to the booths until I die? 
Yes, I know there are postal votes available so I don't have to be toddling anywhere, but my question is: is there an age when I no longer have to vote? 


  1. I think we should be able to vote online. We all have tax-file numbers that could be used to log in, alone with a password.
    It's not like we get asked for ID at the polling places, so just let us cast our vote online, instead of going out in the rain, only to be harassed by people handing out pamphlets, then waiting forever, dealing with someone who can't find your name in the big book, even when you spell it slowly....stupid voting system.
    I want to be able to vote from the comfort of my chair, while wearing my batman jammies, and watching Saving Hope.

  2. no-one; I thought this year there was going to be an online option. But I already don't understand politics and don't know who is good to vote for and who isn't. What difference will it make if I carefully tick boxes or take a blind stab with a pencil? the rich will continue to get richer and the rest of us will continue to get screwed over.

  3. I think it is 70 when you are no longer compelled to vote. Being compelled to vote will seem odd to your overseas readers.

  4. I think it is 70 when you are no longer compelled to vote. Being compelled to vote will seem odd to your overseas readers.

  5. Andrew; I'll find out for sure eventually and who knows? by 70 maybe I'll understand politics better.

  6. I believe a no vote is a vote, don't like the idea of compulsory voting, it must have been put in place by a party with a large but unenthusiastic constituency.

    1. Voting has been compulsory here since day one I believe. You're right about a no vote. It is still a vote, although I don't know which party claims it.

  7. I shall vote despite my age, I like to have a dig at the paper wavers - a friendly one of course.

    1. Vest; I'm more than halfway through your book and can see that you understand politics much better than I ever could, so your vote will be welcome.

  8. I didn't know you have compulsory voting in OZ!!

    1. We've always had compulsory voting. Maybe because we're still a "young" country or a small one, population wise. If it wasn't compulsory there's a tiny chance no one at all would bother.

  9. I voted yesterday. The 'early voting centres' are much easier to get to than the standard voting centres.
    I think the over 70 exemption only applies for council elections. So long as you are considered of sane mind you have to keep voting Federally.

    1. PS: Loved your use of the phrase. Jazz in particular is a bed hog - and it is annoying. He is back in bed again now.

    2. Early voting centres? I've heard of them, maybe I should look into it. Next time. Maybe by the time I'm 70 there will be online voting.
      Angel is a bed hog too, worse because I have only a single bed and he is so huge :(
      His favourite thing though, is having me jump up and down opening doors so he can go out, come in, go out, come in after dark. I can't install a cat door because then every other cat around here would follow him inside and eat all his food. And probably sleep on my bed.
      I've heard there's a magnetic variety that would only open to a collar worn by the cat that lives there, but trying to wrestle yet another collar on Angel might cost me an arm, or at least a few fingers.

  10. Fewer than 70% of voters turn up at the polls in the U K.
    If voting was made compulsary in the U K that dead brain 30% mainly lazy bludgers would more than likely put the left wing factions into power for all time. Then again I could be wrong seeing it has not yet happened in Strayer mate.

    1. Probably that would be the sort of thing to only be found out if voting was made compulsory there.

  11. I think animals can sense our intentions even before movement is made. Jack was very perceptive like that and would be up even before I moved a muscle :)


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