news of the day

River has cut her hair!

Yes, folks, you heard it here first.

The Australian blogger known as River, early this morning, trimmed a full two centimetres from the length of her soaking wet, freshly washed hair, which was then tied back into its usual ponytail and left to dry with no further treatments or stylings.

River can be quoted as saying, to her cat Angel, "the ends were very dry and needed to be removed before splitting and creating havoc amid the ranks."

editor's note: this piece of frivolous fluff was produced as a direct counter to the hate, violence and prejudice currently traversing the world and it's media.

Blue Mink: Melting Pot


  1. A full two centimetres!!!!
    I just re-coloured two centimetres of nasty grey growth and we both have done this on the full moon.
    Hair madness.

    1. JahTeh; after bragging with my K about never getting any split ends, (she never gets any either), I actually found one! so the trim was necessary. Last week, K also got a 'trim'; eight inches of silky hair floated to the floor as I snipped my way across her mid back.

  2. To save a buck or two I colour my wife's hair usually every three weeks, our smart ass eldest son usually remarks is it Cyril or Cedric doing your hair Mum? But alas, the cutting is performed by 'Hair Design' down the street.

    1. Vest; I gave up colouring my hair ten years ago; it's in much better condition now and I don't mind the grey at all. It's longish hair so trimming is easy; I divide it in two, hang each half forward over the shoulder and snip.

  3. I honestly don’t know what’s happening in the news. I got fed up with all the greed and cruelty and hatred and stupidity that they show.

    I love this song… always have.
    Her voice is awesome.
    I also adore Erykah Badu – that beautiful woman has pure honey tones. I have a huge girl crush on her :)

    1. Vicki; I haven't seen much of the news, I'm usually watching dvds and stop them too late to get the main stories. I read the papers yesterday and today and I've read a few stories on the internet; that's enough for me.
      The song is just as appropriate now as it was way back then.

  4. Made me smile. A good antidote to hearing the ills of the world.

  5. Made me smile. A good antidote to hearing the ills of the world.

    1. Andrew; smiles are far preferable to frowns :)

  6. Phil and I both had haircuts on Wednesday (Louise comes to our house at no extra charge). I probably had an inch taken off but Phil doesn't have that much so probably only 1cm removed.
    Mum used to take me to the hairdresser when I was about 8ish to have my hair trimmed. They used to singe the ends then to stop them splitting.
    Couldn't make out the words of the song but liked the beat of it.

    1. I remember my dad handing me a ten shilling note and sending me to a hairdresser on my own. She already had instructions on how to cut and I went at the beginning of each summer for four years.
      I think the singeing idea is awful and I'm glad that isn't done anymore.

  7. I will get my trimmed next week. My only requirement for hair is that it is wash and wear. No product or blow drying required.
    And yes to the melting pot. We really, really need to stop the hating.

    1. I prefer wash and wear hair too, buckets of product and hours of styling just aren't worth the effort as far as I'm concerned. I know a lot of people who prefer to do their hair in different styles often, but not me. My younger son sometimes shaves intricate patterns into his hair.

  8. Hi River,

    Two centimetres? That's almost an inch! I would need an industrial lawnmower to remove that amount of unmanageable hair from my head! Mind you, it would look better than it does now!




    1. Plasman; my hair hangs a bit below my shoulders, so cutting an inch off the length is easy. If I has short layers like you, I'd be visiting the hairdresser, which costs more than I like, so I grew it longer to manage on my own.

  9. Well, there you go! My hair was really long...down to my waist and a little beyond. One morning about nine or ten years ago I went into the bathroom and did what you did, but I didn't stop! I kept cutting and cutting until it ended up the length shown in my profile pic! And I still cut it to this day. I haven't been to a hairdresser in years and years.

    Good on you for making a stance, River! :) I've been in a similar mood all weekend...but I hid my scissors....just in case! ;)

    1. I WISH my hair would get that long. Alas, several inches below the collar is all I get :( My K on the other hand has hair that grows so fast you'd swear she has a series of wigs!
      I only trimmed an inch because the ends were dry, it will grow back soon enough.

  10. Next thing you will be dying pink streaks in your hair! Getting a bit wild here...

    1. NoNoNoNoNo, I'll leave that to the grandchildren. I like my silvery look.

  11. Well done, you - we need a counterbalance to all the horrible things going on. We (finally) reach the referendum next week - that has produced a whole lot of bile and xenophobia which chills me to the core.

    1. I wanted something light and fluffy to make people smile after what I'd been reading about the guns kerfuffle in America. Our newspaper yesterday said there had been 173 mass shooting incidents in the USA so far this year.

  12. I do the same thing after a shower every now and again, I trim, as it is usually in a bun it doesn't matter if it's straight or not, but the fringe is another story takes me weeks to get that right.
    Great song.

    1. My fringe is easy, I comb it down while wet, then trim across right UNDER the eyebrows, so when it's dry it fluffs up a bit and hangs just above the eyebrows. Since it's a bit wavy sometimes, I don't bother with getting it straight. the rest of my hair is wavy/curly and all I do is trim the ends of pigtails before putting it back in its ponytail.

  13. Seeing the set on the Blue Mink set above brings back many memories of our youth. Yikes.


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