Words for Wednesday

It’s Wednesday!  
And June!

Which means it is my turn to provide you all with words to challenge your minds.
Write a story, write a poem; the choice is yours. 

Post it here in the comments, or on your own blog, it doesn’t have to be today,
but please leave a note in the comments here so we can all find you and read your creation.

Here are the words:

1. brew
2. bellicose
3. boxer
4. bitumen
5. reckless
6. smoked-ham


1. jewel
2. plum
3. poach
4. reef
5. canvas
6. puddle


" well, that's annoying!" 

go ahead! have fun :)


  1. Being a billicose boxer stoned on brew, I recklessly covered my facial injuries with a mixture that smells more like bitumen than smoked ham.

  2. Being a billicose boxer stoned on brew, I recklessly covered my facial injuries with a mixture that smells more like bitumen than smoked ham.

    1. lotta joy: Not a pretty picture. I don't think I want bitumen OR smoked ham on my face.

    2. lotta joy; thanks for joining in. I agree with EC, not a pretty sight to have a face covered in bitumen. With smoked ham I'd have no face left, cats for miles around would converge and eat their fill.

    3. I had to look up the meaning of "bitumen". So were you trying to cover your face with smoked ham? Funny story. Good job!

  3. Well, that's annoying..
    great prompt.
    Will post at my site on Friday if all goes well. Like Joanne at Cup on the Bus, we are preparing to move.

    1. Susan Kane; I seem to remember you saying something about moving, which is why you are going through boxes of old stuff. Are you looking forward to a new place?

    2. Yes, we'll be moving end of July. Today I went through and packed most of quilting stuff. 27 years of stuff is amazing. I'll still be blogging. It is one way to stay sane and grounded!

    3. Susan; when hubby #1 was in the Army we moved a lot, but had packers come in on the day and do the whole house before morning tea time.Since those days, I have still moved too often and a couple of times started packing ahead only to find I needed something or other that was in the very first box packed, so at the back or bottom of the stack. (*~*)

  4. Here we are again!

    "The campfire was still burning from the night before.

    The aroma of the thick slices of SMOKED HAM sizzling away in the cast iron frying pan filled the early morning air. A strong BREW of billy tea was coming to the boil. The JEWEL in the crown was the golden damper in the Dutch oven. Thoughts of breaking of pieces of the hot soda bread teased their appetites. Wendy was ready to POACH a couple of eggs.

    Breakfast would be very welcome.

    To the side of the CANVAS lean-to their one-year old BOXER Rastus, in RECKLESS abandonment, splashed about in the PUDDLE left from yesterday’s rain.

    Harry, still in a BELLICOSE mood after almost choking on a PLUM seed bellowed at the dog to cease and desist, but to no avail. Rastus was really still only a puppy and he was having the time of his life.

    “WELL, THAT’S ANNOYING!” Harry grumbled. “When is that dog going to grow out of his puppy ways? “

    He broke off a piece of ham in an attempt to tempt Rastus, but the puddle was more fun.

    Kate hoped that Harry’s mood would lift once they hit the BITUMEN in an hour or two.

    Their search for the long-lost REEF of gold was as endless as the outback highway, but they both had faith they would find it."

    1. I suspect gold-fever will keep them going until long after Rastus has left puppyhood behind.

    2. Lee; great story! We once had a dog named Rastus, but not a boxer, more a bitser. I wonder how long Kate will keep up with Harry and the gold-fever.

    3. Puddles are always more fun:-) Love your story Lee.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sarah's father Sean was a boxer. A bellicose bully who chose to shout, to rant and rave (and indeed to throw punches) over every real and imagined wrong. His latest outburst came when the road in front of the local mayor's property was bitumen sealed for the second time while he and Sarah continued to deal with a rough dirt road. Upending several tons of gravel on the mayor's driveway was a reckless response. For which Sean would pay dearly.
      Sarah took after her English mother - the mistress of understatement. When told that the police had arrested Sean again for violating his parole Sarah continued to put together the smoked-ham sandwiches and brew the tea saying quietly 'well, that's annoying!'

    2. Elephant's Child; I love this! And while I agree with Sean's anger in this instance, perhaps retaliation could have waited until his parole was over.

    3. Aha! This is a fun story, too. Love it! :0

    4. Fun story and now I am hungry for smoked ham sandwiches:-)

  6. The infamous Wife beating (BOXER)'Benny the basher from Birmingham', emerged from his favourite pub bar having sunk eight pints of his favourite BREW which had washed down his large serving of SMOKED HAM sandwiches.
    His alcohol fueled BELLICOSE attitude sent him flying as he tripped when his RECKLESS charging down the pub steps sent him flying face first skidding on the hot BITUMEN road - his just reward for drunken behaviour.

    1. Vest I hope that someone beats him up in just the way he beats his wife. And am glad he did a face plant.

    2. Vest; I like this. About time some of the 'bad guys' got a taste of hurt.

    3. Oh that bad bellicose boxer Benny the basher from Birmingham. LOL Fun story with tongue twisters.

  7. I took a stab at it - no idea at this hour (day, month, year) about punctuation.

    Can I ever forgive
    That bellicose boxer from Olive
    He reeked of home brew
    Smoked ham and sausages too
    With my shoes, he was reckless
    He made a great mess
    Lost it all on my feet and bitumen
    “Well, that’s annoying!”

    1. Eeeuw. I wouldn't forgive him for defiling my feet that way. Great use of the words.

    2. S.J. Qualls; welcome to drifting and thank you for joining in.
      Love the poem, but wouldn't forgive him, not at all :)

    3. Absolutely love this. Awe, a fellow poet. Good job S.J.

  8. I started reading then realized I haven't written yet and I don't want to be influenced by others writing. Meanwile I have put a teaser for WFW on my blog.

    1. Granny Annie; I try to not be influenced by others writings too. I'll come on over and see what you wrote.

  9. The week of camping under CANVAS became a complete disaster due to the tent ROOF leaking due to the continuing rain.
    JEWEL our PLUM coloured Bitser hound left a PUDDLE of water each time she entered the tent when she; accompanied by Bill - a friend, returned from yet another unsuccessful attempt to POACH a few Pheasants from the game reserve for our lunch, 'WELL THAT'S ANNOYING' Say's I and that's not all, it seems the dog just ate the the remainder of the SMOKED HAM left over from yesterday, sorry to have to tell you that but I was writing when the dog came in and I made a mistake in the confusion and have written the word ROOF instead of REEF , how silly of me.

    1. "Roof instead of REEF"...how clever of you. Wow two stories. Good Job.

    2. My Jewel (the cat) says she is unimpressed that you have stolen her name for a dog. Don't listen to her - love your story.

    3. Vest; your dog has gourmet tastes, pheasant and smoked ham. I like your story.


    DRUNKENNESS by Granny Annie

    It was the strong brew
    That made him bellicose.
    He turned into a boxer.
    Giving the smoked ham a dose

    Of his fists,
    His sudden anger showing.
    So the patrons yelled
    “well that's annoying!”

    To stop him from being restless
    They showed their acumen
    By deciding they should
    Cover him in bitumen.

    1. I do love your poems. And am smiling at giving the 'smoked ham a dose...'

    2. Granny Annie; I'd tar someone who boxed my smoked ham too.

  11. G A . Like tar and Feathered.

    1. I wonder when was the last time anyone got tarred and feathered?


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