Calendar Tuesday # 9

It's September 6th.

Time again for Calendar Tuesday, which only happens on the first Tuesday of each month.

Beginning with the Country Homes Ideas calendar:

a comfy chair beside a large shelf unit. In my home those shelves would be packed with books.

Moving on to the Violent Veg calendar:

yep. Tackle needs to be watched out for....

Now for the Suzy Toronto calendar:

and here is what it says:

Real Living Begins Where Your 

Most of us spend our time neatly tucked away, all safe and sound, in our tidy little lives.
Almost without our noticing, the days start to take on a shade of gray.
It's not that we don't long for a's just that sometimes we get so busy that we forget how to really live!

Busting loose and abandoning our fears is easier said than done. To willingly leave the safety of our comfort zone and reach into the fire requires a huge leap of faith.
But just on the other side, far beyond our wildest imagination, is a magical, mystical, uncharted territory called "Possibility."

I'm not saying it won't be hard, but if you keep on reaching, one of these days you'll make it...and nothing will ever be the same again!
Because real living truly begins where your comfort zone ends and everything becomes possible.

So, seriously, what are you waiting for?
Life is short...if not now, when?
It's time to take that leap!


  1. I've done some leaping, I'm currently enjoying a comfort zone.

    1. joeh; I'm not a leaper, but I have stepped out of the zone a time or two.

  2. But if you leap & miss, your comfort zone could be Intensive Care!!

    1. fishducky; look before you leap is a good idea along with think twice, act once.

  3. So true! real living and comfort zone do not match ♥

    1. Summer; sometimes they do, those who are always challenging themselves and loving it, may be living in their comfort zone.

  4. Suzy Toronto is right, but I think my wimpy self is stronger than the brave one.
    Those shelves would be book-filled here too.
    Love the violent veg too.

    1. Elephant's Child; my wimpy self sees me sleeping until almost 10am, then sitting around in pj's, instead of getting out on that walk I promised myself yesterday.

  5. Suzy Toronto is quite right. I hate being taken out of my comfort zone, yet afterwards I am often pleased that I was.

    1. Andrew; I found that too, the couple of times I stepped out. Doing the radio talk show, about six years ago now, which turned out to be fun, more recently going far down the coast by myself and walking the boardwalk.

  6. I can't believe a month has already flown by since your last post re Calendar Tuesday!!

    I spent many years challenging myself and stepping out of my comfort zone (and enjoyed doing so...most of the time); however, I've now stepped back into my comfort zone and am very comfortable within it. :)

    1. Lee; the months do seem to fly faster the closer we get to the end of the year. I'm sticking to my comfort zone this week, not sure about next week though.

  7. A lot of my leaping was out of the frying pan into the fire now I think before I leap.

  8. Merle; thinking is good, especially before you go leaping.

  9. As far as the first picture, the shelves would be lined with books at my house as well. I love the look of book-lined shelves so I would think it much more attractive than what is on the shelves in the picture.

    I have done a lot of things outside my comfort zone but I also like remaining all snug in my routine at times. At this point in my life, I really enjoy the serenity that comes with routine.

  10. Ceryl; book lined shelves fill me with joy too and I'm very much in favour of routine and I need to get back to mine. I let things slip a bit (a lot) when I retired and now I find I'm sometimes unsettled in my mind because things aren't running as smoothly as they should.


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