picture a little old lady hunched over a walking stick and shuffling along

Remember last Tuesday when I had all the energy and got everything done and even the weather was great?

Boy am I paying for it now. I knew this would happen, it always does, but it's no less annoying for the knowing. 
I don't have the walking stick, it's hanging up in the corner, but I am bent and shuffling, unable to straighten up properly.
I'll be upright again eventually, until that happens, the hot water bottle is a soothing comfort. And I'm very glad the shops are only a few minutes walk (hobble) away and there are places to sit and rest when I get there.


  1. Not good, but I guess you know the best way to deal with it. Hope it is better soon.

    1. Andrew; walking around much more easily after a couple of slow strolls around the block and I've managed to straighten up. For now.

  2. You are singing my song, sorry about that. The good things is - Look how much you got done! I pay every time I do anything like that. (for days) Keep those muscles warm.

    1. S.J.Qualls; it's an old song, sung by many. Keeping warm is the key.

  3. .. sorry you're in pain.....
    .. glad you got all your jobs done though..I hate when I get pain for no reason....
    .. do things slowly and the pain will ease....
    keep warm... Barb xxxxx

  4. Barbara; the pain and stiffness did ease as the day went on, but I've been sitting for a while now (since dinner and dishes) and it's back, as I knew it would be. It will ease over the next couple of weeks.

  5. Uh oh...hope the kinks come undone soon. I know where you're coming from. I generally find one good day has me doing things I'll pay for on the next day. Sigh.

    1. only slightly confused; we're in the same boat eh? I hope the kinks iron themselves out soon too, the stiffness is more annoying than the pain as I can't properly relax.

  6. Geeze, I hope it resolves sooner that later. If you have your balance, the stick is not much additional help. Ibuprofen helps you be tough and get over it.

    1. Joanne; my balance is still good, so the stick isn't really necessary except for a bit of support getting up from the chair or bed. I really need to get a rubber tip for it though. It was my mum's stick and the rubber was perished when I got it.
      I'm unable to take ibuprofen, it leaves me with a crashing-into-rocks type of headache.

  7. That's no good, River. I've only just come upon this post now (late Saturday night)...sorry to hear you're suffering. Don't be silly by not using the walking stick, young lady!!! It's better to use it than have a fall and do more damage!

    Take care...

  8. And furthermore...use your walking stick when you go out to the shops if you're still suffering. Remember the saying..."Pride comes before a fall"!

    Use your stick or I'll come down there and make you! :)

    1. Lee; I still have my balance, so the stick isn't necessary except for something extra to lean on when trying to straighten up from sitting position. I don't need it for walking, I just walk around hunched a little forward and a little to the right, (that's the scoliosis bit, the leaning to the right). I'll be fine in time, these things usually take me about three weeks and I'm already into week two. Rest and no heavy lifting is the important thing.

  9. I feel that way every morning, but fortunately so far it works it's way out quickly for me. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. joeh; usually that's true for me too. I wake up and sit on the edge of the bed to let the bones and muscles settle before walking around and the stiffness eases quite quickly. But this time I've clearly overdone something, probably too much lifting of things I shouldn't or simply standing too long without a few minutes sit down.

  10. So sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Hopefully the stiffness will subside quickly. As for endorsing the comments from the others...please be careful and use a walking stick.

    1. Cheryl; the stiffness is easing at last, moving is easier, although slow and some stiffness remains. I need to get a new rubber tip for the stick and I don't need it for balance when walking, just for support when getting up off my chair.

  11. Replies
    1. fishducky; I'm fine and will be finer soon, or soonish :)

  12. I am sorry. Too familiar. To lots of us.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm sorry you are familiar with this too. Just one of life's stumbling blocks eh?
      I'm feeling easier today, the back relaxed quite a b it during the night and I was able to sleep deeply for the first time in almost two weeks.

  13. Knowing it will ease in time is always helpful. I hope you're feeling livelier with each passing day.


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