Jamie Oliver classic Cumberland Sausages are very delicious.

This is from a girl who doesn't often eat sausages, so you know they must be good if I'm tasting one and going YUM!

But they do pop and spit a lot while cooking, you might want to wear a hazmat suit to protect yourself.

Ingredients include  cracked black pepper, so expect a bit of heat on your tongue, and sage.

At Woolworths, $8.50 for a pack of 5 sausages.

It's thundering here and lights have flickered several times.


  1. Must try them, cooked outside on the barbeque.

  2. Andrew; they'd be great barbecued. I don't have anywhere to BBQ, so I cooked them in the griller tray which is in the oven (stupid place for it)and they popped and spat and there was smoke...the exhaust fan is close to useless, but I ran it anyway.

  3. .. these sound great River..... we are great sausage eaters here... thanks for the thumbs up... xxxxx
    I love your cartoon.. when we were kids we were told by the Nuns at school thet Thunder was the Angels moving the furniture in Heaven and rain was God watering his garden xx...
    Put a tee shirt that you have worn and not washed in Angel's bed ...that will comfort him while you're away xxxxx ....Barb xx

    1. Barbara; it's been a long while since I heard those reasons for thunder and rain. I used to say God was watering the wrong gardens he needed to water where the droughts were.
      I plan to leave my sleep tee on the bed for Angel.

  4. Nah, not for me.
    I hope the expected weather is less than predicted. Much less.

    1. Elephant's Child; I don't know about other areas, but where i am the weather was certainly less than I expected after the dire warnings heard on radio and TV. The state-wide blackout was unexpected, I'd thought maybe a few areas would be cut off, but not the entire state. Hospitals switched immediately to generator power, so they coped well.

  5. Doubtful I could find them. I would probably like quite well, though.
    Cool (wow, fall is here, maybe) and clear here, we sure could use some rain.

    1. S.J.Qualls; I don't think you'd find these in America, but you never know. Keep an eye out or ask ask the meat counter in your supermarket. Maybe they'll get them in.
      I'd like to send you some of our rain, but envelopes aren't waterproof (*~*)

  6. I have just gotten into some new Farmland peppered bacon. Expensive but super-good. I find I just cook some ridiculous amount like four pounds at a time as cleanup is a mess. It keeps in the fridge just fine (obviously one does not eat four pounds at a sitting).

    1. Happy Elf Christine; I'm not a big fan of bacon, eating a small amount maybe once a year, but with sausages, I do a similar thing, cooking up my entire supply at once, then doing just one big clean up. I separate them into meal-sized portions and freeze them, a dozen sausages could last me most of the year that way.
      I challenge your last sentence. I'm quite sure my two youngest kids could eat four pounds of bacon in one sitting.

  7. Not a big fan of sausages here.....also not a big fan of cleaning up the stove top after cooking them lol.

    1. only slightly confused; the cleanup is the worst part, that's why I do a large amount all at once followed by one massive cleanup.

  8. Hi River,

    Don't get me started on Jamie Oliver ...




    1. Plasman; not a fan? me neither, but I read the ingredients on the sausages pack and thought they sounded nice. They are the only J.O. product I've ever bought.

  9. Are they available in the US?

    1. fishducky; I don't think so, but ask around at your supermarket meat counter, or a gourmet butcher perhaps.

  10. I did a quick search to see where they might be available in the US and nothing came up. There are no longer Woolworths here.

    1. Cheryl; no more Woolworths? What has taken their place? Maybe the sausages are available at a different store; a gourmet butcher perhaps.

  11. It's ages since I've had sausages. I only shop at our local Supa-IGA supermarket and the one of the local butchers (there are two). There is no Coles nor a Woolies here on the hill.

    I am a fan of Jamie Oliver, though.

    I hope you got through the night and get through today without any dramas, River.

    By the way....I'm always in the dark! ;)

    1. Lee; you'll have to visit the big city Woolworths and try these.
      No night time dramas here, unless you count being woken by several neighbours each time I was almost asleep.
      Why are you always in the dark? A bright spark like you creates her own light, surely?

    2. Glad to hear all is okay with you, River.

      I stay well away from big cities and big city shopping centres. I like my quiet, little village atmosphere. Next time I'm down in Beaudesert (a small country town down in the valley to the west of here) I'll pop into Woolies there and have a look for Jamie's sausages. They sound delicious.

      I keep out of trouble if kept in the dark! ;)

  12. Here's another no to Jamie Oliver's sausages, too spicy for me and red meat. But Beak & Sons gourmet range is really nice, chicken and an excellent pork and apple, also beef but I haven't tried that. Usually $7 for 6 or 5 and they freeze well. On special at Woolworths this week, any 2 packs for $10 which usually works out for 4 meals with veg.

    1. JahTeh; these classic Cumberland sausages are pork, but with cracked black pepper would still be too spicy for you. I enjoyed that little hit of heat on my tongue though.
      I haven't seen any Beak&Sons products here, I'll keep an eye out for them, I like the sound of pork and apple and I always like chicken sausages.

  13. I'll give those sausages a go , but I'll not get to Woolworths for a few days yet, I must put them on my List . Yes, I do 99% of the grocery Shopping and the cooking and the cleaning of the Kitchen.

    1. Vest; I think you'll like them, I remember from your book that you aren't shy about trying new foods. A man who knows how to shop and clean is a good find.

  14. White pepper is hotter than black pepper, so if the cumberland sausages are a bit hot and spicy it probably is from white pepper - and also from mace which is also an ingredient used in the making of cumberland sausage.

  15. Lee; I've thrown away the packaging, but I'll have another read of the ingredients next time I'm in Woolies.

    1. That'd be great, River. I'll be interested to learn what is listed. Thanks. :)


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