Sunday Selections # 292

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.
I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week I suddenly remembered I had nothing prepared and the weather outside meant wandering around with my camera was out of the question.
So I wandered around inside with the camera, and here's what I found:

the plastic basket that holds my paper napkins, they've been there a couple of years now, mostly I use washable napkins.

the reflection on the ceiling from the light globe inside the shade; looks a bit space shippy doesn't it?

for those who haven't seen these before, my dragon ornaments, one,


and three.

some of the stuff that hangs around in my kitchen

Harry Hare Jnr, sitting up high, keeping watch over us. He's ditched his summer bow tie in favour of a warm winter scarf.

my butterfly lamp from the inside

stuff on a shelf; marbles in a crystal decanter, yellow flower paperweight, gold buddha snowglobe, vanilla scented candle, and a tiny traction train: hold it on the floor, pull it backwards, then let go and watch it zoom across the floor.

Mavis, my kitchen witch. The tag reads: 
"My name is Mavis 
And I am coming to live with you
You may not like me at first
But your guests surely will
As I'll help you cook lots of 
yummy things
And I prevent you from burning the stew
Just hang me near the oven
And I'll promise to look after you."

The other side reads:
"I am an Aussie Kitchen Witch
Riding my broom,
love and affection
I'll bring to this room
Pot boiling over area
A thing of the past
With my kind of magic
Good fortune will last
I'll keep burnt food & bad coffee away
and I'm here to stay!"

my minions mug; you may remember this as a Whimsical Wednesday entry and I stated then I would have this on a mug, and here it is.
"Just a woman?
Oh hell no!
I am a big cup of wonderful,
covered in awesome sauce,
with a splash of bitch and a dash of crazy.
You be sure to remember that!"
I had the image put on both sides, so I can see it whichever way the mug is standing/hanging. 

the crinkly edges of my breakfast pancakes
Ricky Rooster. I'm told that having a rooster in the kitchen is lucky, so of course I have one.

Serenity, the Firefly series spaceship from the TV series Firefly. She's about 15cm long and the silver cord you see there is so I can hang her from the ceiling. As you can see, I haven't got around to doing that yet.

Last, but by no means least, Angel, sleeping, cosied up to Harvey Banana, who usually sits on my bed.




  1. Angel certainly has grown into a proper cat. My cat still must see what is behind things, and that can produce a lot of disasters.

    1. Joanne; my daughter's cat, Missy, gets up behind her TV to sleep where it is warm and often knocks things off the shelf on her way there. Missy is 17. Angel is too big to get behind things here now. Missy is a tiny cat.

  2. A whole bunch of cute chochtes!!

    1. fishducky; thank you. I see them everyday so barely notice them anymore.

  3. Love your treasures.
    Dragons? Beautiful things. As is Harry.
    And Angel (of course).

    1. Elephant's Child; I only have things I love and dragons are number one. Angel is one and a half. Harry is a little dusty, he's right up by the airconditioner.

  4. I'm my own kitchen witch...actually, I am the whole household witch. I have my own broom. I keep trying to bring me good luck, but my spells haven't worked yet. I did win $31.80 in last night's I think I might be going in the right direction. However, I think I've stalled. I might have to get my broom serviced!

    The light reflection is a great capture.

    Have yourself a wonderful week, River...and cuddles to your boy, Angel. :)

    1. Lee; your mistake (and mine) is in wishing good luck for yourself. Witches are not supposed to do spells for personal gain, but instead to help others. then what you send out is returned to you threefold. I haven't had a witches broom in years.
      Great news on the lotto win :) I got my usual nothing (*~*)

  5. The light pattern is pretty good. Pancakes...I want. Now.

    1. Andrew; I like the light pattern too. You know how to make pancakes don't you? They're so easy.

  6. I need a kitchen witch.
    You had some interesting stuff I like interesting stuff.
    Angel is doing her duty as a cat, sleeping a lot.

    1. Merle; everyone needs a kitchen witch, but you can be your own witch as Lee is. I like my stuff and I like your interesting stuff too. Angel is a boy.

  7. Hi River,

    What a magical place you live in. I also like the way you used your imagination to capture the images.

    Angel looks most content.


    1. klahanie; thank you, I like my little place. Angel is very content, a spoiled rotten cat.

  8. Good Sunday selection, each one different. Enjoyed!

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; sometimes random makes a good theme. Glad you liked it.

  9. What a wonderful selection of 'goodies' you have. My kitchen and house is bare in comparison. I think my favourite was the space ship look but everything was so different and speaks of you.
    That cat looks so comfortable. Don't they give a picture of perfection when they are like that. Beautiful boy.

    1. Mimsie; my shelves are a lot more bare than they used to be and even now, I'm wishing I had somewhere to be able to stash away more so I don't have to dust them. Then again, totally empty shelves would look awful.
      Angel always looks comfortable, he seems to fit just everywhere looking like it was made for him.

  10. Ooh, I love this eclectic collection. Your home is full of interesting things.

  11. Ooh, I love this eclectic collection. Your home is full of interesting things.

  12. I love all your pictures. The reflection on the ceiling one is a very creative shot.

    I remember when the kitchen witches were quite popular. I love that kitschy type of stuff. You witch is quite cute.

    AWWW...Angel's picture is just so darling.


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