Sunday Selections # 295

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.
I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week we have some photos I took while standing on a balcony at Port Adelaide, near where the Fisherman's Wharf Markets are, but across the river.

looking down at the old dock pylons

looking further across the Port River

over the other way, the Birkenhead Bridge

even further around, that deep blue is the ocean at Semaphore

tightly packed rooftops

Hart's Flour Mill, I really should look up the history on this, but not today.

Coast Guard doing its thing. enlarge the photo and see the man with the white collar.
I took about seven photos as this boat did its slow circle  and that man seemed to be staring at me the whole time. Probably wondering if I was a spy with my camera (*~*)

the next eight photos are this fire department boat, there'll be no commentary, just watch as she turns full circle spraying water, not sure why, may have been part of a ceremony that was going on at the wharf. There were priests, an effigy, dozens of people.

see the people and the priests in the white robes?

and off she goes again.



  1. Replies
    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler; I certainly do, as long as it isn't too deep or full of sharks.

  2. Fun day, I would have enjoyed that fire boat for sure!

    1. S.J.Qualls; it was fun to watch, added a little extra to an already great day.

  3. I wonder what ceremony required the blessing of water spray.
    Great series - love it.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'd love to know what it was all about, but it was private, no media there at all. I'll show more photos after I get them sorted.

  4. I think I need a few hours by the water! My landlords are off to the UK tomorrow for six or seven weeks, perhaps I could sit on their side of one of their ponds...and ponder!!! (I've got to, once again, feed their chickens and Molly, their cat during their absence).

    I hope your week treats you well, River...and all your pain and discomfort disappears. Cuddles to Angel. :)

    1. Lee; sitting by the pond and pondering seems like a nice way to spend a day. Maybe Molly will spend time with you.
      Pain is much less, stiffness too. Sometime during the night my back relaxed and I was able to sleep deeply for the first time in nearly two weeks.

  5. The fire boat display is really neat. Beautiful series of pictures.

    1. Joanne; this is the first time I've seen such a water display, it was fun to watch.

  6. Maybe they are practicing or testing the fire fighting equipment. Interesting collection this week. Now what is the number for the National Security Line?

    1. Andrew; I'm fairly sure the display was part of the ceremony, because after that, the priests took the effigy out on a small boat to do a small circle of the area. I'll sort those photos eventually and show them on a Sunday Selections.
      National Security? Aren't they in the phone book? (*~*)

  7. .. thanks for the trip to the Port, River..
    We have a Birkenhead Point ere in Sydney... it's on the water .....
    the fire boat is fabulous..I wonder what the ceremony was all about, too .....
    Hope you're feeling better.. xxxx
    .... Barb xxxx

    1. Barbara; you're welcome to come along on any of my trips about town.
      We have a Birkenhead suburb which links to Port Adelaide via the bridge, hence the name. I have a friend making enquiries about the ceremony at the local shops, but no one seems to know.

  8. Could it have been a blessing of the fleet perhaps? They have that at Fremantle eacy year for the fishing fleet but usually at night with fireworks (I think).
    Lovely to see pictures of a place I've never visited. Makes my world bigger for me so thanks for that.

  9. Mimsie; I thought it may have been the blessing of the fleet, but what I remember of that ceremony years ago in Port Pirie, didn't match this, but perhaps the ceremony has been modified over the years. but usually there is at least a little media coverage for that and there was none for this one.


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