don't miss me too much....

I'm going away for a few days, well, just two if I add up the hours, from mid Friday to late Sunday afternoon.

I'll be keeping an eye on two grandkids while the parents have a weekend to themselves. I can't really call it babysitting, there aren't any babies involved, the kids are 12 and 16. 
All that's required is an adult presence in case of emergency and to make sure they eat and brush their teeth. 
I'm assured they will probably spend the whole time with their computers, so I don't need to worry about backyard cricket games or footy at the park. 
My back will be grateful.
I'll take my kindle, but I'll be leaving the laptop at home, so when I don't comment anywhere, don't be worried. I'll catch up when I get home.

I agreed to all of this, hung up the phone, THEN remembered Angel. D'Oh!

He'll miss me for sure. I've arranged for someone to come in and feed him, but I've never left him alone for more than eight or ten hours. I'm sure he'll be fine. He knows and likes the person doing the feeding and I'll leave a list of instructions. But he'll miss the cuddles and sleeping on my feet at night.


  1. Angel will miss you but I'm sure he will be fine and well cared for. I wonder if he'll speak to you when you get home? Sometimes they can be quite aloof for a few hours.
    You are doing a great thing letting two people have some time to themselves so feel proud of yourself and enjoy your kindle.

    1. Mimsie; I'm prepared for Angel to be aloof for a while and also ready to give him as much cuddles as he needs when he gets over being left.

  2. We once put a cat in a cattery and instead of being pleased to see us when we collected her and brought her home, she attacked our ankles.

    1. Andrew; that's why I'm keeping Angel in his familiar environment, perhaps he'll just ignore me for a few hours after I get home again.

  3. And you will miss your Angel. Be sure to bring him some special treat back...he'll forgive you.

    1. only slightly confused; his special treat will be me and maybe a spoonful of cream.

  4. It will all be fine but don't count on the 10 and 12 year old not wearing you out. They have a way of doing that even while on electronic devices. Your name will become "Step-And-Fetch-It". LOL Also Angel will be just fine as long as she gets fed. Basically the same with the grandchildren.

    1. Granny Annie; they are 16 and 12 and they know not to wear me out. They know about my bad back and legs. They also know how to use the microwave, so they'll feed themselves from the freezer, unless I decide to cook something.
      Angel is a boy.

  5. I have to factor in a cat to my plans now, too. Cats are forgiving.

    1. Joanne; yes they are, it just sometimes takes them a bit longer. This will be the first time I've left Angel for so long.

  6. I have done this baby sit thing too. I find the first 46 hours are the toughest.

    1. joeh; I've not done a lot of baby sitting, but these two get on well together, they don't fight at all and know not to have me running around after them.

  7. Angel. Um, when was the last time you babysat the grands? As some people like to say - "That's a fun age" it isn't. Hopefully, they are a couple of really nice kids in their natural habitat, but sometimes, after enough time has passed, their true young selves come out. Pack wine.
    Have fun!

    1. S.J.Qualls; I don't drink wine. Last time I sat these two they were ten and six, I'd agreed to it earlier, then became rather ill,but did the job anyway as no one else was available at short notice, so they were told to behave and let me sleep as much as possible, which they did. This time they have similar instructions, they're to look after themselves and only ask for help if they really need it. We'll probably just talk a lot. They are really nice kids, all my grandies are.

  8. Just think of the welcome Angel will give you when you are home again. Enjoy your time with your grandchildren.

    1. jabblog; I'm hoping Angel will welcome me home again, but if he doesn't I'm prepared to wait him out and give all the reassuring cuddles he needs when he is ready. I'll have fun with the grands, hearing all they've done since I saw them last.

  9. Of course we will miss you. The two J's are not happy to be left alone and punish us. Hopefully Angel is much more forgiving.
    Have fun.

    1. Elephant's Child; you'll hardly know I've been gone, since I have scheduled my posts. I just won't be there to comment right away.
      Angel is much more placid than your Jazz, so I think he'll be fine.

  10. you are wonderful to do that. I am sure the grandkids will love having you around xx

  11. Kelley; unless I sit on their laps so they can't see their screens, they may not notice me at all until they get hungry.


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