front and centre girls

After all my bitching and moaning over the years about slipping straps and boobs invading my underarm space, I have bitten the bullet and taken myself to get properly fitted for a new bra.

Deep down, I knew all along the real problem was buying cheap bras without being properly sized, but when you're broke, you buy what you can afford. Right?**

But after hitching up one strap more than ten times a day last week, I'd had enough.

Last Thursday I went to David Jones, found where they'd moved the lingerie section to and asked a lovely lady to help me. I explained my problems and she selected a range of brassieres in a size that looked promising and we headed into a fitting room. 
As we tried on each bra in turn, (well I tried on, she helped with hooks and straps), she explained to me why each one wasn't right, and what I should be looking for when trying on bras in the future.

I'd never had such a helpful assistant before. 
She eventually fitted me into a bra that was so comfortable I didn't want to take it off again. I did take it off, of course, so she could snip off the tags, then I put it back on and asked for another in the same style and size,  in black. 

Then came the moment of truth. Payment. $64.95. Each. (ouch!)
Then she mentioned the current sale, which meant I got one of them for almost half price. Whew!
I'll admit to being light headed over this and confess to putting them on my department store charge card. I had to blow the dust off it first, I haven't used that card in close to eight years. 
But I'll have enough time to set aside the money to pay in full by the time I get the bill.

The best part? They are worth the cost. I wore that first one until bedtime and didn't hitch up a strap even once and I didn't have boobs invading my underarm space. 
Nor did they sag over the band after a few hours, like with the old bras, making me look like I wasn't wearing one at all.
All I have to do now is make sure they last long enough for me to save up for the next fitting expedition. 

** yes, I'm still broke, but I don't have another dentist appointment until December, so while I'm putting aside money for that I'll add a few extra dollars to cover the lingerie purchase.


  1. A good fitting bra really is worth it's weight in gold, or so I'm told. I went to be 'fitted' and was told that it fit me wonderfully. It was thrown in the back of the closet as soon as I got home. I showed DH that yes, I did buy the bra and he was happy with that - then I put my shirt on sans said bra. Life is too short to be trussed up like a turkey and if God wanted me to be 'perky' he would have kept me that way.

    1. S.J.Qualls; surprisingly, I don't feel 'trussed up like a turkey', but instead feel freer now that I don't have boobs hanging low over my ribs. I really hate that feeling when not wearing a bra, so I tend to keep mine on until going to bed. I most certainly don't want to be one of the many older women I see in town who let things hang/swing loose at waist level.

  2. I'm wearing the same three bras for the last six years. They were fitted, they are perfect, they aren't made any more. I've even mended one. Being a little person with big breasts is not enviable.

    1. Joanne; so sad that your favourite style isn't made anymore. Do you know a dressmaker who can copy the design for you?

  3. Wow! Good for you. If those new bras are comfortable, they're worth the cost. I haven't made the leap into getting measured and buying something of decent quality yet, so most of my bras are annoyingly uncomfortable, so I'm forever yanking on them. (But they were cheap! HA!)

    1. Susan; I put up with cheap for years, but I won't ever again, not when it comes to bras. Comfort is key here and not having to hitch up straps is part of that comfort.

  4. I was fitted for some new bras after a mastectomy. They fit well, but I hate them--or maybe, the mastectomy!!

    1. fishducky; I've often said that if I needed a mastectomy, I'd have both sides done and be finished with bras forever. Now, well, I don't know. Would I? Would I not?

  5. Bras have been my achilles heel since I was a child... before breast reduction mine had to be handmade, I wore a 34 III, and even in 1974 cost almost $40 each. It's easier now but the wrong fit can really irritate the scars; so glad you were able to find some that work for you!

    1. The Cranky; Bras only irritated me once I began piling on the weight and couldn't afford quality, fitted underwear. Now I've decided that the comfort is worth the extra cost.
      I can see where scars would be a problem though.

  6. I need to follow your lead. I had a fitting (a decade or so ago) but my shape has changed (not for the better). Expensive suckers aren't they? Worth it, but...

    1. Elephant's Child; very expensive, but I saw some on the racks in DJs that were more expensive, so I think I got off reasonably lightly. Isn't it awful how our shapes change without us really noticing! I have only one mirror here, and it cuts me off at mid chest, so I've not really seen what's going on below there, but the fitting room mirrors showed me. OMG!!

  7. Ill-fitting bras are so, so bloody annoying. They do make life very uncomfortable. I'm glad you've fixed that problem. A good bra certainly isn't cheap (and I understand the word "broke". It would be nice to be able to forget it. You've just reminded me - I must enter Lotto for tonight)! :)

    What is the brand, River?

    1. Lee; the brand is Triumph, one I've often purchased in the past when I was employed full time and of course younger and not quite so bulky as I am now.

    2. Yes...good brand. I buy Triumph often. Most of my bras are that brand.

  8. The correct measurement does wonder. The bra I'm wearing now fits like a glove.
    Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora); that's exactly how my new bra fits, like a glove and I'm very happy with my purchase.

  9. Nice to see but not touch, I'll sit this one out and adjust my J S.

  10. I have two different kinds of bras - the Genie Bra, and the Coobie Bra. Both of which are seamless and do not require fitting as they are made out of a knitted material which adjusts itself accordingly. They are soft, stretchy, and comfortable enough to wear all day long without even noticing I am wearing them. :)

    A well fitted bra is awesome.

    My good friend in the USA is about to have a rather embarrassing shopping day at Macys, on my behalf. I will be there via his phone and instore wifi, to pick up all the bargain underwear available in my size.

    1. Snoskred; I've seen the genie bras, my daughter has one and another friend has them too. I prefer something with more structure.

  11. It's good to hear you're comfortable again.


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