Whimsical Wednesday # 246

Welcome back to Whimsical Wednesday!

The day for your googled giggle that gets you over the hump that is Wednesday and sliding down into the weekend.

Sudden thunder showers on Earth are really caused by Angels with Super-Soakers in Heaven.


  1. Dad used to tell me that thunder was god bowling. He also told me that eating my bread crust would make my hair curly.

    1. lotta joy; I heard the same thing about thunder and bread crusts :) I know the bread crust thing isn't true, my hair is curly/wavy anyway, but most people I know eat their crusts and not all of them have curly hair. I wonder how that statement came about?

  2. Replies
    1. only slightly confused; I'm sure some of the younger Angels have paint in their super soakers :)

  3. I think most kids get the 'God bowling' thing. Not hard to imagine a shoot out with the super-soakers, is it?

    1. S.J Qualls; super-soaker shoot-outs are great fun, my grandkids had them one summer and boy did the water fly!

  4. So THAT'S the reason!!

    1. fishducky; yep! there's a reason for everything.

  5. Makes perfect sense! Like everyone else, I got that bowling story about thunder. The only reason we weren't told about the super soaker is it wasn't invented yet!

    1. Susan; I bet the Angels had them first and showed them to someone in a dream so he/she could invent them here on earth.

  6. Replies
    1. Elephant's Child; of course they do. Everyone does.

  7. By the sounds of it there have been a few of those angels hovering about down your way lately and throughout the Forbes area in NSW. The drought-stricken areas of western Qld have had their share of super-soaker angels, too. :)

  8. Lee; they're here alright, but still bowling, I guess the supersoakers aren't ready yet.
    Good to hear drought areas are getting soaked.

  9. Cute cartoon! It looks like many of us received the same parenting tales! My brother and I were told that thunder was the angels bowling, and of course we believed it...our parents' said so! :)

  10. BECKY; I learned fairly early not to believe everything my parents said. After all, the kids at school learned entirely different things sometimes, so I got suspicious. Whose parents had the REAL story?

  11. Squeezing her cheeks while punching her in the stomach. Such a description of abuse moved my soul. You always create great stories.


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