I made a Boo-Boo

tomorrow's post went up today

feel free to read it again tomorrow if you wish. 
I'll be at a barbecue :)


  1. Yes, so I did not read it and won't until tomorrow. Enjoy your chop.

  2. Have a snag for me! :)

    Nothing and nobody says I can't read your Sunday post again tomorrow...I'll just pretend I had two Sundays this weekend!

    Enjoy your barbecue...and as always I hope the coming week treats you well..cuddles to Angel. :)

    1. Lee; Angel is being very cuddly. He misses me because I've been away from home so much lately. There'll probably be snags, but I'm eating chicken tomorrow.

    2. Actually, I've not had any sausages in ages and ages. It would have to be a couple of years, at least.

      Chicken I had on Thursday and Friday...with Remy's help. Shama wasn't interested!

    3. Angel doesn't like chicken either, nor tuna from a can. He does love the raw beef I cut up after trimming my steak.

    4. My two have their raw meat for their dinner every night. I cut it up late afternoon and they graze throughout the night. T\My family of birds eagerly hang around my front area waiting for their share, and aren't backward in coming forward in lettint me know if I'm running behind time!

      Remy and Shama dine on either chopped up blade, topside or round, sometimes rump, but mostly one of the former. Dinner for them is always fresh meat. They eat more meat than I do!

      There is always a bowl of munchies for them to pick at whenever the mood or appetite strikes; and for breakfast they'll have some form of packet/canned food...but it must be fish of some variety - never meat or chicken.

      They are spoiled..and they know it; but I'd have it no other way, nor would they! :)

  3. Poor Angel. Enjoy your barbecue. What's a snag?

    1. A snag is a sausage. Also known (with some reason) as a surprise bag.

    2. Jabblog; I'll enjoy it, my brother is cooking at his new home; he's just moved here to Adelaide for his work.

  4. Replies
    1. only slightly confused; oooooh, food that I don't have to prepare, cook, or clean up after. Although I will offer to help.

  5. No big deal, I screw up all the time. Enjoy the food and company at the BBQ!

  6. You are becoming a social being. Have a wonderful day.

    1. Elephant's Child; I may have to spend much less time on the computer, I'm away from home so much now.

  7. .... have a great BBQ... hope the weather is better than Sydney weather today... grey... it's not raining , but it's not a bright happy day.. xxxxx

    1. Barbara; it's gloriously sunny here today, I'm about to put on sunscreen, my ride should be here soon.

  8. It's ok! You're already a day ahead of me! :)

    1. Happy Elf Christine; I knew people wouldn't mind getting ahead a bit.


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