Musical Monday # 116

Musical Monday

I was introduced to Musical Monday by Delores who copied the meme from another site.

I think it’s a fun way to show off some of the music we like and brighten up our Mondays at the same time. 

I’ll be finding my clips on you tube, so will simply credit that site since there are often so many versions of everything and I wouldn’t want to accidentally credit the wrong artist.

Today’s clip is:  George Strait

I Just Want to Dance With You

I love her boots, wonder if they come in my size? Short and extra wide...


  1. I am super impressed at her calf muscles. It wasn't gentle dancing that gave her them...

    1. Elephant's Child; I remember having similar calf muscles, then they got chunky like my mum's. I'd say her legs have done lots of walking and probably some boot scootin' type dancing, or anything else that isn't a gentle waltz.

  2. Straight to Monday morning with Mr. Strait. I'll be straight over! By George! You got it!! :)

  3. Not a super fan of country music but I like George Strait. Seems like a nice guy. I went to one of his concerts (years ago) and he just seems genuine.


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