Sunday Selections # 294

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.
I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week we're at a park in the north eastern suburbs. Not too far north, just a little way out of the city.
The occasion? My grand nephew's birthday party. E is three now!
We do NOT have photos of the kids, that would require me asking permission, which I forgot to do, but we do have views of the fabulous park we all went to.

a pair of ducks resting by a tree

picnic table and benches atop a small hill

 a mum and her babies

a small section of a large playground area for bigger kids

the smaller playground for little kids: adult supervision and aid required for toddlers

the park has a string of ponds, direct centre of this picture is where this pond is fed by>>>

this brook, which has>>>

a teeny, tiny waterfall. The brook is fed by>>>

this larger pond,

with a rocks and grasses island,

with its own, larger waterfall.

there were plenty of seagulls and we were happily surprised when they didn't come squawking to share our barbecue. Hosted by the proud apron-wearing, tongs-wielding grandpa.

the park has a fenced off section containing skateboarding ramps for older kids.

I liked this tree base a lot,

the upper part of the tree is interesting to look at too.

This is just a small section of the park, which is huge and has a sporting oval, club rooms, a basketball hoop, fenced practise cricket pitches, several electric barbecues, each under its own shelter with seating available, and plenty of parking spaces.


  1. It looks like a very nice park. The tree seems to have some history!

    1. Joanne; it's one of the best parks I've seen. Well maintained too.

  2. What a lovely place to have a BBQ and relax with the family. (or to be alone and just chill ...)

    1. S.J.Qualls; it's a very lovely place in a quiet residential area. Quite unexpected actually.

  3. Something about looking at ducks is so relaxing.

    (ducks that aren't being shot at from a blind)

    I love ducks.

    1. Author R Mac Wheeler; these ducks were great, they didn't come running up to people for food, just sat around looking pretty.

  4. What a beautiful park!!

    1. fishducky; one of the nicest I've ever seen, and so versatile, with something for everyone.

  5. It's a lovely park and some beautiful shots of reflective water.

    1. only slightly confused; the water shots are great aren't they? I always take shots if there is water around.

  6. Thanks for the park walk. So varied in each spot.

    1. Susan Kane; and that's only part of it. Glad you enjoyed the walk.

  7. You are seriously ahead of yourself this week. Which made me worry I had missed a day.
    Love that park - it looks like a wonderful place for the celebration.

    1. Elephant's Child; the way I've been sleeping lately, I could easily miss a day. My usual sound sleep is seriously disrupted. I still sleep, but the routine is kaput.
      I think the park would be great even for wedding receptions.

  8. I'm with EC....I wiped my eyes and shook my head there for a moment or three. I thought I'd somehow missed Saturday...or had forgotten I'd had it! How come Adelaide is now one day ahead of the rest of us, River? I've not heard any announcements on the news bulletins!

    Your lovely pics calmed my heart palpitations! :)

    1. Lee; I'm really sorry to upset your weekend. I scheduled this late at night and just didn't realise I'd selected the wrong date.
      glad the pics calmed you down.

  9. Hi River,

    That's just the sort of park I love. The photos capture the essence wonderfully.

    With that, I'd better duck out of here...

    Gary :)

    1. klahanie; I like parks like this too, plenty to see and places to sit and think.

  10. .. what a great park .. there is space and places to suit everybody and every age group..
    I love the ponds and the little streams and waterfalls... beautiful..
    Glad you all had a great party time together...
    .... Barb xxx

    1. Barbara; it's a great park and much bigger and nicer than I expected :)

  11. Love you pictures. That park looks very charming. There is something about ponds, brooks...any water really...that is so relaxing. That looks like a Weeping Willow tree next to the pond. We hardly ever see those around here. I used to play under them as a child and just think they are magnificent.

    1. Cheryl; water is such a relaxing thing to look at when it is flowing and gently bubbling over rocks and it is all so clean, I think there are pumps and filters in place to help with that.
      We have lots of weeping willows here in Adelaide.

  12. While it is obviously a construction, I really like the waterway, falls and pond. We humans do love to see flowing water, or still water for that matter.

    1. Andrew; definitely a construction, but so well done! I love it.
      It was a real treat after the birthday party to see big tall Grandpa and three year old E walking hand in hand around the whole ponds area and feeding the ducks.

  13. That is one truly magnificent park. My hat off to the landscape gardeners and others who designed it.
    I am sure E, his family and friends had a delightful time there.
    That tree...I found so many different things in it.

  14. that is a great park! I must admit though, I was thinking about how many pokemon I could catch there... seems I am getting a bit obsessed!


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