Sunday Selections # 293

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.
I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week we're back in my garden, with a side step or two back to the day I walked the boardwalk along the coast.

first anenome of the season is purple

my plum trees were covered in pretty blossoms,

just like these. aren't they gorgeous?

now about 50% of the petals are scattered across the garden after a big wind.

the bluebells have begun flowering

but my croton appears to be on its last legs. The other one went the same way and is now just a stem. I'll leave them for the summer and see if they make a comeback next year. If not, I'll but new ones.

I don't remember what this is,

but it made a fabulous display along several metres of footpath on the street leading down to the boardwalk.

white freesias. I was focused on the bright golden yellow, but got nudged by Sweetie a neighbour's cat. She is very timid right now after some quite harsh treatment to rid her of a serious flea infestation and the resulting skin irritation.

more freesias, I have so many! these ones are flattened, at first I thought by the rain, but now I think perhaps the cats are taking turns lying there. Angel, Sweetie and Bentley.

the ixias are beginning at last, the rest of the stems are covered in buds, the droopy pink bud at the bottom there was an open flower, but closed as it drooped in the rain we had earlier.

my kangaroo paws are putting on a respectable display. I hope the golden ones at the other end of the garden also recover and flower. I'm not at all sure about the standard red and green variety, I can't find any trace of the leaves.

the biggest ranunculus has several buds almost ready to open.

**it's 5:13pm on Thursday 8th and the heavens have just opened. Such a downpour! with thunder too**

the first sparaxis is an orange one, it's very bright when the sun is shining on it.

there are star flowers everywhere,

and more white freesias than I thought I had.

of course there are always a few weeds, this one got ripped out as soon as I'd taken the photo.
this is only part of a giant pine tree I saw once back on the road after leaving the boardwalk

the next four photos are some of the pine cones covering the trees>>

**5:20 and the rainstorm is over :(  **   for now anyway.**

 this is my favourite pine cone picture.

the end. Until next week.



  1. If anemones bloomed year round, the world would be a better place.

    1. Joanne; I think you might be right. and ranunculus too.

  2. Lovely, lovely flowers! It must smell nice there! (ah-choo)

    1. S.J.Qualls; I can't smell much, It's Jasmine season and I'm all stuffed up. There is a bit of fragrance around the freesias.

  3. Loving your garden. Which is further advanced than ours.
    Something is beheading my anemones. And since we have seen cockatoos beheading the daffodils (most of the doubles) I am blaming them.

    1. Elephant's Child; or possibly woolly bear caterpillars? We have them here, I pick off one or two daily.

    2. I haven't yet seen caterpillars. I have seen the cockies. And the heads of the flowers are often several feet away. With leaves.

    3. Caterpillars wouldn't do tat, must be the cockies. Cheeky buggers.

  4. After the early spring storms all the vegetation and blossoms will be on the move. We had some nice rain here storms...only the most welcome rain.

    I hope the new week brings you happiness and good fortune, River...cuddles to Angel. :)

    1. Lee; no rain here yesterday, which was a good thing as I was at a children's birthday party in a park :)
      Angel will be around later for cuddles, he's hiding right now.

  5. Sure is a pretty pine. I believe here it would be a yellow pine or ponderous (spelling).
    Anyhow do they have fir trees in Australia

    1. peppylady (Dora); I don't know one pine from another, I just enjoy the piney fragrance and looking at the cones. I think there are some firs in Australia, but I don't know what kind.

  6. .. your garden is doing well River.... I love all your pretty flowers... my starflowers havent bloomed yet... my plum tree is covered with blossoms and leaves... hugs to you and Angel ..... Barb xxx

    1. Barbara; my one regret with the spring blossoms is they don't last long, in a few weeks it will be summer and most of the bulbs will have finished. I need to get some summer flowering things for colour, maybe a few baskets of petunias.

  7. It is a great time of the year for gardens and flowering trees. Your plants seem to be thriving.

    1. Andrew; thank you, they are doing well right now. I hope they make it through the summer without too much watering. As the jades get taller and wider they will shade the inner section of the garden more.

  8. Your garden is a delight and it never fails to amaze me how much you fit in to a small space. If you want colour then geraniums answer that need and are very hardy and can be cut back when needed.
    I saw on TV how you'd had flooding in Adelaide and thought of you. Glad to know you came through it OK.
    Love the pine cones, especially the one showing the new cone and the old cone. I think here we mainly have pinus pinaster and pinus radiata but of course there must be other species also grown here, possibly native to our country.
    How is Angel after that nasty infection he had (from the cat claw). I hope he recovered OK and you didn't have to battle to get him in his carrier.

    1. Mimsie; we didn't get any of the flooding this time, it was all in other areas. I have a coupe of geraniums, but in pots and they're a bit straggly, I'll have to do something about them next year.
      My mum grew geraniums, because they are so easy to grow. I have a cutting of a white one which I hope grows well.
      Angel recovered very nicely from his claw injury, no infection, no fever, no trip to the vet was necessary. He's a tough boy and is on the table right now getting his cuddles.

    2. I have a pretty pink geranium what was badly damaged by the fallen tree and it has regenerated already. They certainly are hardy
      Was so pleased to know Angel recovered so well. Those cat scratches can turn really nasty.

  9. The world may be going insane but the flowers keep blooming...thank goodness.

    1. only slightly confused; flowers, music and chocolate. We don't need much else to stay sane.

  10. Lovely pictures and lovely flowers. We are going into fall and winter here so everything is looking rough. It's so fun to see all the blooming things where you live.

    1. Cheryl; I'd love to see fall pictures of where you live. General area, not your house in particular, unless you don't mind showing off your garden.

  11. The Feral Son bought a Croton from a hardware store that's on it's last legs and, sadly, I think the Croton was in the same condition - it's dropped all of its leaves and is looking nude.
    The Freesias are glorious!

  12. Ah the beauty of a flower garden . Sad to say our garden is limited to sturdy flora and a few prettier types out front, mostly hidden from view are the veggies in the back garden , which will revert to grass after this year. it would seem I am the only person to take an interest in its upkeep. and my bones are saying "No more".

  13. Our feral son is now one month in arears, (remember) I did have a 'Happy father's day message but no cheque. Wishful thinking on my part. B^#*)^)d.


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