I've just watched the Sunday evening news..

 ..and saw Donald Trump doing a little victory dance and throwing red caps into the crowd of his adoring fans. 

A lot of those fans are women. Republican women of course.

HOW can they NOT see that this latest ruling affects THEM  just as much as it does Democrat women?

Do they not realise there may come a day when one or more of them might require an abortion? For whatever reason? HOW can they cheer this latest backstep? Perhaps they will wake up and vote Blue at the next election.

If they don't...

...there is talk of the SC going after contraception, gay marriage and probably more that I don't know about.

To look at, America is a beautiful country, with forests, mountains, lakes, rivers and the Grand Canyon too. 

I read several blogs written by American bloggers, from the North West down to the South East, all of them are people I like a lot, though I have never personally met them, and all as outraged as I am right now. 

They seem to all be Democrats, I don't think I have read any blogs by Republicans. Perhaps they are all too busy waving their guns around. 

So here's a scenario: in ten years time, America will be over run with children, since none are allowed to be aborted. No one can afford to feed, clothe or educate them, so they are Feral, fighting, looting, scavenging and being shot by the hundreds by rabid gun toting republicans, "because we can."

How does that sound? 


  1. It sounds like a brilliant film script River!

    By the way, I think that the reason Republican Americans do not write blogs is because they struggle with the written word and with processes like reflection and balanced debate. They take after their spiritual leader in that sense -The Great MAGA Monster. In Australia do you also use the polite term "trump" for a fart?

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; here in Australia there are many terms for fart, but trump is not one of them. I did give a passing thought to why republicans don't write blogs but didn't write it down in case there are one or two and I don't wish to offend unnecessarily.

  2. This was an interesting read, and I'm happy to live in a country where opinions are more ... diverse ... than in America. We have not 2 main parties but arount 8 with more smaller ones - of course there's the red-blue scale, but others as well.
    It is for instance totally possible to be against abortions AND guns at the same time, or pro both or mix and match.
    I am avidly against any murder be it done by guns or by surgical means, but pro contraception for those wanting it - even free.
    I see another scenario in our future - elderly people being left alone and fed once a day because there's not people enough to care for them. Or a country where we have to import social workers ... and it's not something I imagine, it's happening here, now. Elders in Denmark are supposed to live for as long as possible in their own homes. A micro-oven installed, every morning a lady wearing covering headgear comes by, puts three meals in the fridge, don the stockings and leaves. Every evening an overworked, busy man with a bushy beard comes and pull off the stockings and says Good night. Every three weeks the elderly is given a bath and a half-hour room-cleaning. And of course the family, in as far as they exist (we had many DINKY's) is not taking over, because the child was left to fend for itself while the parents saw to their careers, and is now busy with their own.
    You can kill in many ways but guns.

    1. PS. Sorry for the rant, this topic obviously touched my soap-box-bone.

    2. Charlotte; I am very much pro-abortion, pro-contraception and anti-guns. I like the idea of having people live in their own homes as long as possible, but that level of care is very shabby. A bath only every three weeks? Hopefully some of these elderly are at least able to go outside and see other people, even just sitting on a porch and waving at people passing by?

    3. Some of them, yes, But most, sadly no. The Danish weather is not for sitting outside all day, and many of those homebound elderlies need help to get outside. We have volunteers, "elder-friends" taking 'their' elder for a ride. ... but the prospect of being a senior citicen without family here is quite bleak. We are in dire need of 'warn hands' (Is this a Danish expression, I wonder). The same in hospitals where doctors, midwifes, and nurses alike are overworked or underpaid or both and start fleeing their work. Also in restaurants and mail services, cleaning .. every manual, not high status job, we need hands and meet people who speaks broken to no Danish at all. In general we're expected to care for pourselves and the service-society is not so slowly devolving into a digital self-service society.

  3. And the planet weeps with all the other issues facing her. I've ranted enough about what's happening in the US River and there's nothing we can do. Many, many admirers around the globe hail this decision as they are firm believers in the patriarchy and that women should breed until they drop, providing poor uneducated slaves for the industrial machine. All in the name of God. No more rant. I'm fed up with all these distractions when the real issues are not addressed at all.

    1. WWW; many are weeping along with you, but that doesn't change things any more than thoughts and prayers do. I don't understand how so many can believe in this patriarchal way, they themselves are hard done by and want their girl children to have the same?

  4. In the BIG picture i reckon The not so United States is utterly dysfunctional because of the two party system- and karma of course. America has made a terrible bed and must lie in it. The tea party fundamental "christians" got their hooks in to the republican party and hijacked it- Bush was a born again , claimed that god talked to him and so on, gets crazier by the minute... The educational system in the states is dismal- there's the rub- a population of entitled white ghost believing poorly educated gun toting wild west bigots. Madness! There is no future for america- when Bannon and trump said "burn it to the ground" they truly meant it. Time for the rest of the world to concentrate on surviving climate change , dump america and its ills in the trash heap of lost causes, and get on progressively without the sad self destructive USA bullying /influencing other nations. Brain washing and fear has always been effective to control populations- that is the republican christian white party of america. Whittled it down to a fine art understanding just how ignorant the population is.

    1. Linda Sue; it's true religion has a lot to answer for, maybe that way of belief was okay centuries ago when people were far less educated in all ways. But with the knowledge available now, how can they still believe that going back to those old ways it a good idea? Let them believe in god if they want to, but go for progress, not backtrack to the dark ages. And isn't it true that the beauty of the constitution is that it CAN be changed? Look at all the amendments so far.

  5. Glad I didn't see Trump throwing the hats. That would have sickened me. I am always amazed at the women and people of color who find him the perfect leader.
    Your 10 year prediction may become true unless voting still counts. We do out number them and need to make ourselves heard. I will do my part as I always have. It is a very sad here in the US.

    1. Arkansas Patti; the expression on his face sickened me. And those on the faces in the cheering crowds. How brainwashed are they to still believe every word he says? I truly hope my prediction does not come true. And I sincerely hope other countries do not still look to the UN-united states as a country worth following.

  6. I didn't see that clip and I am very, very glad. I would have no doubt said a few things and my blood pressure would have risen. Exponentially.

    1. Elephant's Child; I said a lot of things that shouldn't be heard in polite company and you may claim them for yourself.

  7. I saw part of the tRUMP word salad but had to change the channel. He just rattles on about anything that pops into his little mind.

    And Thomas better watch out. The SC may reverse interracial marriages.

    1. Mike; he does rattle on and most of what he says doesn't even make sense. Thomas deserves whatever comes his way.

  8. I really want to say your ten years hence forecast is so wrong, but I can't.

    1. Andrew; ten years may be a little too soon, babies born now would only be ten or nine years old, but then again, who knows? I know I don't want it to happen.

  9. How do i say what's in my heart? My hope is that we will create a world where every person is supported and raised and cared for in such a way that we organically cease to need to make the heartbreaking decision to abort. Trust me, it's almost always a heartbreaking decision.

    1. messymimi; it is a heart breaking decision, but a very necessary one when the case arises. Women need to be able to access that help.

  10. I hope it doesn't come to that, but just have to wonder how lack of action on gun control is morally better than abortion and birth control.

    1. jenny_o; it isn't morally better at all. Those following the "mob rule" need to start thinking for themselves and not be afraid to stand up and say "this is wrong, let's stop"

  11. According to the plan, only the brown and black children will be feral. The white children will all be adopted by barren white parents who cannot find adoptee children right now.

    1. Joanne; that scenario isn't any better though. All children need the love and support of a family.

  12. Replies
    1. Margaret D; yes it is, so what do we do about it?

  13. Welcome to Gilead.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; I am so sorry this is happening in your country, also very glad I don't live there.

  14. Boy oh boy, how can anyone wave at tiny, old, little, mean, dumb, ignorant Trump?! Reckon they also cheer at Putin.

    1. Iris Flavia; the only tiny thing about Trump is his mind, yet he manages to control so many people. It's astonishing. I don't know about cheering Putin, I hope not.

  15. As you are aware, I totally agree with everything you've said here.

  16. Replies
    1. yellowdoggranny; and to think not so long ago the world looked to the USA as a 'leader'. I hope things improve for you all and I desperately hope other countries (mine) don't follow the example being set there.


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