Sunday Selections #587

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to them and have a look.

Here's my quick and easy winter soup:

a family sized can of condensed tomato soup, a can each of red kidney beans, cannellini beans and butter beans

two onions, two carrots, a quarter of a cabbage

there's the receipt

the soup ingredients totalling $12.16

I added a quarter cup of risoni, which is rice shaped pasta,  pre-cooked, then added just before serving, and three cloves of garlic, finely chopped. I had these already in the pantry, so didn't need to buy them.

here is a single serve ready for my dinner, it looks small, but is a decent serve

and nine serves cooling off ready to be frozen for future meals

shaved parmesan cheese to sprinkle over my soup. I  buy my parmesan in a block and grate or shave as needed. *soup instructions below*

we were warned a wild and stormy night was ahead, and I was quite happy to see some thundery looking clouds rolling in

there was still plenty of blue sky though

across the other side towards the southwest, more clouds, but not so dark. The storm didn't happen. Not on my side of town anyway.

here's a surprise, one more of the Caribbean Lily bulbs has sprouted, I'd thought there weren't any more in that pot 😀

and a rogue tomato has two small fruits on it, when the first plants became sunburnt in the summer I pulled them all out, this one appeared just after Easter.

starry pink flowers are now appearing on the jades, the autumn flush that I've become used to seeing.

*soup instructions* (as if you needed them...)

01. mix the condensed tomato soup with an equal amount of water, in a jug for easy pouring into the pot at the right time, add two tablespoons of tomato paste for a richer colour and flavour (I forgot this time, so mine looks a bit pale)
02. drain and rinse the cans of beans
03. peel and chop the onions, carrots and garlic
04. chop the cabbage reasonably finely, set aside for later addition
05. soften the garlic, onions and carrots in a little oil, then add a half a cup of water, put the lid on the pot and let the water steam the veggies a bit
06. add the drained and rinsed beans, stir them around so it all mixes in, add another half cup of water, put the lid back on and steam it again but don't let it dry out
07. pour in the tomato soup mix, stir it well, let it simmer with the lid on because tomato soup will spatter all over your stove top
08. precook and drain your risoni
09. add the chopped cabbage to the soup, put the lid back on and simmer for as long as you like, or until dinnertime if that's reasonably close, I simmer for about an hour and a half. Always check the liquid level and don't let it get too low and burn. It doesn't taste nice.
10. just before serving, add the precooked risoni, or any other small pasta shapes, whatever you have on hand is good enough. 
11. shave your block of parmesan until you have enough to sprinkle over your soup bowl, I use a veggie peeler to do this
12. serve your soup, add the cheese and enjoy. You can also serve toast or crusty bread chunks, or whatever you normally have with a hearty soup.


  1. Aww, I really wished I liked soup as it is such a healthy way to eat. However the only time I got it when growing up was when I was sick so that is what I associate it with. Maybe someday I'll break down and try it.

    1. Arkansas Patti; that's a terrible association for soup. Think of this as a vegetable bean stew instead. It's thick enough to be a stew.

  2. Your soup sounds good. I made a huge batch of vegie soup this week too. And have lots for future meals.
    Love those skies, and hooray for the bulbs. Tomatoes won't happen here for months. And months.

    1. Elephant's Child; tomatoes shouldn't be happening here either, but there they are and my son's superhot chilli plant is covered in fruit for the second time this year. The skies promised a thundery storm, but didn't deliver. We did get some wild winds, but a day later.

  3. When you send me some soup, make sure the container is tight. I wouldn't want it to spill in shipping. 😄

    1. A screwtop metal thermos should be safe enough.

  4. That soup looks tasty and healthy...and very inviting! It is soup weather at present, that is for sure!

    I hope the coming week treats you well, River...and you receive lots and lots of pics of the beautiful twins. Take care...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; this has been my favourite soup for years. I also like chicken vegetable and beef&barley. The twins are three days old already! Time sure does fly.

  5. Like your soup R, it looks tasty and cheap for several meals.

    1. Margaret D; it is a lovely soup. I once made the mistake of adding a beef stock cube, thinking it would be nicer, but it wasn't, so I'll never do that again.

  6. That looks like a tasty soup, but if I made it, Hick would dip himself a towering bowl of the chunky bits, and leave all the liquid for me, since he doesn't like "juice" in his soup!

    1. Val; you'll have to serve yourself before you let him anywhere near the pot!

  7. Of course I need instructions. It is the only way I can cook. I didn't know what risoni is. It sounds nice enough.

    1. Andrew; risoni is rice shaped pasta, found in a smallish blue box in the pasta aisle. I buy it just for soup.

  8. Your soup looks yummy. I had no idea that jade plants bloom! We've had one for years and it's never produced flowers -- though it was a "rescue" and was somewhat traumatized when we got it. Maybe it's still in recovery!

    1. Steve Reed; it may just be too cold for your jade to bloom, or it gets too much water. they prefer hot and dry conditions. Is it in a pot and can you move it to be near a sunny wall?

  9. Hi River,

    We're going to invest in a soup maker. Mrs PM does occasionally make soup and it is wonderful - but a soup maker makes it so much easier.



    1. Plasman; I've never heard of a soup maker, you'll have to do a post about it so we can all learn what one is and how it works.

  10. This looks so good I can almost smell it. How I wish I could eat tomatoes and tomato based soups. My stomach would object (even though I take medication I still have to avoid acidic foods). You have reminded me how good beans would be in the vegetable soup that I make, though.

    I missed your post about the arrival of the twins but caught the comment above and I've left a comment on that post now. Is there anything sweeter than a newborn? Yes, TWO newborns!

    1. jenny_o; I found your comments in my spam and published them. I agree two newborns is twice as sweet. I'm imagining the non-stop routine once they get home and am glad my son has six weeks off work to help out.
      I think the soup could be any other base, beef or chicken, or just vegetable stock.

  11. This sounds delicious, and quite nourishing and satisfying as well.

    1. messymimi; it is all three and I make it every winter.

  12. Just imagine! We had thunder here as well, soooo beautiful and Heinz sure is one thing I remember from Australia!
    I do hope soup-weather is gone for now, though! But I´ll keep this in mind come the "sad" half of the year again...


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