Are you ready for another book quote?

Because that's what I've got for you today.
Well, four quotes actually.

Again, from the Final Empire, book one of the Mistborn trilogy;

E: "Women are like thunderstorms. They're beautiful to look at, and sometimes they're nice to listen to, but most of the time they're just plain inconvenient".

V: "You say these things just to provoke me!"

E: "I'm charming that way".

On religion:
The right belief is like a good cloak I think. If it fits you well, it keeps you warm and safe.
The wrong fit, however, can suffocate.

Sometimes we just have to be what the job requires.

In the end, I worry that my arrogance shall destroy us all.

I'm into book two of this trilogy now, titled the Well of Ascension, it also has some quoteable lines, and it's holding my interest really well.


  1. I really, really must get into this next.

  2. EC; I've set aside everything else I planned to read and got into this after the first chapter. Even half-read books got shoved back onto the shelf.

  3. Those are great quotes. #4... LOL.
    I'm starting to feel a little electricy in my feet... stand back.

  4. I've always believed in number 3. I think these will be under the Christmas tree for my grandchildren.

  5. CarrieBoo; the books are full of quoteable lines. Electricity in your feet?

    Joanne; #3, me too, also #2 which explains why there are so many religions with so many variations, everybody needs the "right fit".


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