daffodil day

Last Friday was Daffodil Day here in Australia and of course "my" store got right into the spirit of things, with a sausage sizzle to raise funds, a raffle, yellow daffodil stickers on the window and all of us in bright yellow t-shirts. The supervisors had yellow caps and the bakery boys got yellow jackets to wear instead of the regular white ones, the service deli and fresh produce folk had bright yellow aprons.

Things were so bright we almost needed shades!

My friend J has collected multiple daffodil day badges over the years and last Friday she wore every one of them.  She even had a couple of them as earrings! I wish I'd thought of that.
As it is, I had a couple of badges on my cardigan, but with J shining like a star, I felt I hadn't done enough.
Even working on my day off didn't seem like enough. 

So I took one of the bright yellow paper napkins off the lunch table and fashioned a paper daffodil to clip into my hair. It didn't look much like a daffodil, but at least it was the right colour!

Looks more like a carnation doesn't it?

Here's a side view where it looks a little more like a daffodil.

I've never bothered much with buying badges in the past, usually getting a pen or key ring.
But I liked the way J had her badges marching in pairs down both fronts of her cardigan.
Remember the pretty little badges from years back with a small flower atop a green stem?
She even had those.

All funds raised from the purchases of badges, pens, key rings and bunches of daffodils goes to the Cancer Council for research. 
Funds raised from our sausage sizzle and raffle went there too.


  1. Very clever and inventive.

  2. Your daffodil looks like some of the ones I have planted this year. When they bloom I will post their picture for you.
    Great cause. Great post, thank you.

  3. I love your flower.

    I always buy a pen so I can keep it with me and use it.
    I lost my mum and grandfather to cancer

  4. Your daffodil looks just like a multi-petalled variety we have each spring. So there! How interesting to know that daffodil day is held around the world.

  5. I agree, I didn't know that it was held all around the world. It's a very worthy cause, and as Daffs are my favourite flower, when it comes around here (Ireland) in March, I'm buying bunches of them.

    Your's looks amazing by the way.

  6. Andrew; now and again my mum's crafty side makes an appearance.

    EC; I'll look forward to seeing the photos.

    peskypixies; I'm going to start collecting badges instead. The pens end up being thrown out when they run dry and I already have too many keychains.

    Joanne; I know of a multi petalled variety but haven't seen any real ones.

    The Wicked Writer; I wasn't sure it was an all-over-the-world thing either. I'm glad it is. It's a great cause.

  7. Yes, your creation does look like the multiple petal variety. Thank you so much for raising funds for cancer research!!! I used to work in a lab researching for a cure for drug resistant breast cancer.

  8. I actually thought that was a real flower at first! Quite the talent you have. I have my flower on the fridge from last year, but havne't seen anything for it this year while out and about. Didn't know it was global either! That's cool. Bless you, giving up your day off.

  9. drb; I don't donate to many charities, but always to daffodil day and the guide dogs.

    CarrieBoo; I remember making dozens of tissue paper flowers to put on my wedding table back in 1971. I'll see if I can find a photo.


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