Sunday Selections #83

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

A weekly meme created to show off photos that have been languishing in your  (my* ) files.

This week I bring you four random choices, instead of a theme like I usually go with.

The Roulettes from several years ago.

Peeling tree bark.

The sort of work my brother does. He's a construction engineer. Big storage tanks, bridges over gorges, freeways, cross-country water pipelines, he's there.

Ducklings by the water lily pond in the Botanic Gardens.

( * I seem to be the only one left doing Sunday Selections.
Is it because I opted to not have the linky thingy?)


  1. Gorgeous shots, the grander and tininess of it all. Lose your links and you lose connection in the blogosphere it seems.

  2. I love these shots and the ducklings took my breath away. Thank you so much.
    The linky thing helps but I at least have just been tooooo busy to play. Indeed I didn't know for some time that Kim had handed the responsibility to you. I will try and join up again next week.

  3. That is one big storage tank.

  4. The duckling shot is wonderful. You were near the ground to get that, or your camera was. Nice.

  5. Elisabeth; losing links doesn't seem to be a problem, it's more that people get too busy to participate I think.

    EC; those ducklings are cute. There were five altogether, but one kept running away from the camera and the fifth duckling was head down in the water eating.
    Kim didn't officially hand me the rsponsibility, she did ask if I'd like to take it over, but I said no I'd just continue without the linky thing.

    Delores; It's huge isn't it? He sent another photo of a quarry where they were digging for something and the cars down on the bottom level looked like ants.

    Joanne; I often try to get down at eye level with my subjects, for the ducklings I was laying on my stomach on the grass.

  6. Bonza photos. I especially like the photo of the ducklings, very cute.

  7. Windsmoke; ducklings are always popular. The mother duck was quite protective too. If I came closer than six feet, she'd start hissing at me.

  8. Links are dangerous things.


    And ducklings are adorable.


  9. Amazing how cute they are. Lovely shot.

  10. Pearl; Links are dangerous? I thought that was only sausage links, (cholesterol), or golf links, (balls). Fore!

    CarrieBoo; thank you.


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