
Showing posts from April, 2013

a handy hint that will save you money

Stop! Don't throw out that "empty" tube or plastic bottle of hand lotion. You might think there isn't anything left in it because you squeeze and all you get is a "fart" of air and maybe a small blob of lotion.  They're made that way on purpose....... Set it aside and get yourself a screw top jar, cheap plastic ones are available from Reject shops ans Cheap as Chips places. Then do this>>> cut open a tube with strong scissors or a bottle with a serrated knife.  scrape out what is left inside some bottles have grooved necks which hold quite a bit of lotion. just look at how much lotion or cream you might be throwing away each time! this jar is about 6cm by 7cm, a decent size and not too big that you can't keep it handy near your sink or in your bathroom. here it is beside my coffee cup for a size comparison, but it isn't a true comparison, the cup is too far behind and looks too small. But you get the...

What Irritates you Monday

What irritates you Monday is a meme thought up by Delores from TheFeathered Nest. Here, on a Monday, we get a chance to vent our little, or not so little, things that irritate us. Today, my irritations are.... Taking my camera and going back to a place, more than once, where I saw a flock of pink and white Corellas , only to never see them again.  Hearing the white cockatoos every morning and afternoon, but not managing to get photos because they fly over so damn fast, or they fly over too far off to a side, so I can hear them but not see them.  Going for a short walk with my only purpose a little exercise and seeing one or more things that made me wish I'd brought the camera.  Taking the camera on the short walks and seeing nothing to photograph.  Getting caught in the rain (which I normally don't mind) when my freshly shampooed hair has just dried.  Minor irritations, all of them, but life is pretty good right now, so tha...

Sunday Selections #118

Welcome back to Sunday Selections! This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs. The rules are very simple:- 1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title 2. link back to me, River , somewhere in your post 3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted. 4. hop on over to The Elephantā€™s Child to see more of her wonderful photos. Kath and Andrew often join in as well. I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections but this week I have only two photos. I was up early and noticed a willy wagtail hopping about on my lawn and path. I rarely see these little cuties, so I grabbed my camera and sneaked up to the door. I didn't want to frighten him off, so these were taken through the screen. He was hopping about so very ... for

Following on again with Toni's A-Z, " for" meme, today's letter is R for Rickshaws (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) "The rickshaw began as a 2-wheeled passenger cart, called a pulled rickshaw, generally pulled by one man with one passenger. The first known use of the term was in 1887." "Now there are also the cycle rickshaws, also called pedicabs, auto rickshaws and solar rickshaws." Cycle Rickshaws     "Pulled rickshaws created a popular form of transportation, and a source of employment, within Asian cities in the 19th century." Clearly not the 19th century, note the car... "Their popularity declined as cars, trains and other forms of transportation became widely available. Auto rickshaws are becoming more popular in some cities in the 21st century as an alternative to taxis because of their low cost." Auto Rickshaws "Though t...

Wednesday's Words on a Friday

On Wednesdays , Delores, from A Feathered Nest has a meme which she calls Words for Wednesday. She puts up a selection of six words which we then use in a short story, if we are able. Sometimes I look at her words and nothing at all comes to   mind. This week's words are: 1. meanderings 2. gently 3. river 4. living 5. mountain 6. trainride   Here is my short story: Mary had been living in town for the past few weeks to help out as her son's wife, Cathy, recovered from a broken leg.   The grandchildren certainly were a handful! and much as she loved them all, Mary was glad to be on her way home to the mountain she loved. The trainride took her along   beside the deep, slow flowing river and the gently rocking motion matched the meanderings of her mind as she remembered how those little boys were so quiet and well behaved around their injured mother, yet tore around like little tornadoes as soon as they were outside after br...