how big is your cat?

I've just attempted to measure Angel, who is sprawled across my table.
He wasn't completely stretched out, more relaxed, and had his tail curled around too; but roughly, from nose to bum he is a smidge under 60cm, then add his tail which is a bit over 30 cm.

Earlier I saw him standing at attention by the big flowerpot and noticed his ears were above it by about 5cm, so I went out later to measure that distance. When standing with head held up listening, from ground to ear tip, Angel is close to 40cm high. I'm not sure about ground to shoulder measurement.

No wonder he takes up so much space when he is stretched across my bed or table.


  1. Tacky isn't very big, especially if she's wet, but she makes up for it with catitude.

  2. S.J. Qualls; Tacky is a lovely name :) and I do like a cat with catitude.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I've no idea...I've never measured or weighed my two. Shama is smaller than Remy...she's quite a dainty girl. Remy...being a typical male is much more solid than his sister is.

    (I deleted and re-posted because I'd made a typo)!!! :)

    1. Lee; darn typos, they sneak in everywhere. I haven't weighed Angel for a long time, but he feels about 12 pounds. He's long, but apart from that his size is mostly fur.

  5. I'll have to measure when an opportunity arises but my Chantel is a medium sized cat. She's a Himalayan that weighs about 7.5 pounds. She isn't the kind of cat that stretches out much and is usually kind of curled up into a circle.

    1. Cheryl; Angel has solid bones, I'm guessing his dad was a big cat, his mum is quite delicate. angel loves to stretch out, often right across my table and also on my bed where he falls asleep leaving me no room to get in.

  6. You're gonna need a bigger bed.

    1. joeh; I'm gonna need a bigger room first. A bigger bed won't fit. I have a king single, just barely enough room around it to manouver when changing the sheets.

  7. Jazz is a very big boy. Jewel is tiny. When they get up later I will measure them. At the moment they are both still curled up tight.

    1. Elephant's Child; I wondered how you cold tell them apart, now I know. one day when Angel is stretched to his limit on my bed, I will take a photo so you can see how much room he takes up. I'll measure that full length too, because I'm curious. Full stretch, tip of nose to tip of tail....has to be a metre.

  8. Minnie, our middle-aged lady pussy cat Gives us oodles of love and pleasure beyond measure.
    GT The smelly and hairy TC and a sprayer gets little further than the Garage and an occasional pat.

  9. I have been trying to take a good photo of the Bear's face to show the residents at the Home but he is faster than the click at turning the other end to be photographed. I tried with the mobile which is silent but he can still hear the beginning of that click. I am patient and keep both by the chair in case I can get that perfect shot.

  10. I used to be 5'6" but I've shrunk to 5'3"--I don't have a cat!!

  11. It is said that a person who is argumentative has a black cat which is blacker than any other black cat.


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