there's a new scam going around

There's a new mail scam going around. In your mail box, regular mail, NOT email, you get a very real looking travel brochure from a place in Malaysia, saying they're celebrating their 12th anniversary, so they've sent out prize winning scratch cards.

If you win, the scammers will ask for a "tax" payment of several thousand dollars before they can release your money to you. 

My daughter K received one of these brochures in the post today and has asked me to warn all of you.

Here is an image from the website  showing what some of these brochures might look like:

If you have neighbours who are elderly or perhaps not on the internet to read this warning, please let them know.

 I'm personally planning on printing a hundred or so warnings and dropping them in my neighbours mailboxes.

**Edit: the scammers may also ask you for a copy of your passport for authentication and for bank account details.
Be aware! Do not send any details! 


  1. It is difficult that people would fall for this type of scam and yet many do each year and lose money.
    Unfortunately my printer is on the blink but I will pass this on if I happen to see any neighbours which is unlikely. They keep very much to themselves.
    I wonder if this scam should be reported to the Postal people of perhaps the police?

  2. Mimsie; thanks for volunteering to pass this on where you can. Perhaps if you told someone well known for gossiping, word would get around. I don't know that reporting it would help much, apparently many people have already received this scam brochure, it isn't as new as we thought.

  3. These types of scams just never seem to end. I think it is a great service when people pass the information along to warn others.

    1. Cheryl; they never will end and they getting more clever. As long as there are gullible people who aren't aware enough, the scammers will survive and thrive.

  4. Reminds me of the Nigerian prince scam!!

    1. fishducky; is he still around? He must be getting a bit long in the tooth by now.

  5. Sigh. They are everywhere aren't they?

    1. Elephant's Child; absolutely everywhere. Apparently this scam has torn through Australia and is now spreading to other countries. Well, according to the scam-detector website.

  6. Always good to warn people so we are aware.

    1. Merle; I'm pleased to help out in this matter.

  7. It would immediately end up in my trash bin where such stuff ends up always. I have no desire to go to Malayasi,or anywhere else to be honest; but thanks, River. :)

    1. Lee; I knew you wouldn't get fooled, but still, be careful. The scammers items are looking more and more legitimate and genuine.


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