how easy is this!

Making your own yoghurt, the EasiYo way.

Let's assume you've just bought the EasiYo yoghurt maker and you're wondering just how easy this is
Start with a packet of Greek style youghurt culture........

to be continued.........

because I have waited
 for the second picture to upload
and frankly I don't have that kind of time to waste.

I have blogs to read, comments to leave, a book waiting on the coffee table, a new episode of The Big Bang Theory on TV tonight.

Do you suppose this is happening because we've stayed with the current version of blogger instead of switching to the latest upgraded interface whatever thingy version?

The thing is, I'm happy with this version, (well, I was....), why would I change?


  1. How sucky. Hopefully it's just a temporary glitch & everything will be back to normal soon.

    I love the EasiYo yogurt maker. I haven't used it for a while, but I might have to now you've reminded me I have it :)

  2. sleepydwarf; this thing with the photos taking forever to upload has been happening for a while now. And it's getting worse. It really is annoying, when each photo used to take just a couple of minutes to load. Now sometimes the first one will load quickly and I'll think things have resolved themselves, then the second one begins and I have time to cook and eat dinner, then do the washing up, before giving up on it when it still hasn't loaded.

  3. River, try using Photobucket.
    It's free and easy; create an account, upload your pics to it then the ones you want to post on your blog you click on the blue "share" button (which appears when you roll your mouse over the pic).
    This will open a smaller white window and you click "Get link code".
    Find the "HTML for websites and blogs" and tick the box for the "clickable thumbnail", highlight and copy the code that appears in the little rectangle box.
    Go to your blog and click the tab at the top of your blog post that reads "Edit HTML" - this will show you the same blog post but in HTML format - paste the photo code in here, then flick back to "Compose" and you should see your photo.
    Way easier and faster than waiting for Blogger (plus hosting your pics elsewhere allows you to post as many as you want without eating into your Google account allowance).

  4. I've been using the new Blogger Interface for about three weeks and have had no problems so far. Eventually everyone will be using it in the future :-).

  5. There is a new interface for Blogger? I hadn't noticed. I read a Vietnamese guy's blog and he makes 'instant' yoghurt from a packet. I am curious about it.

  6. Yummo yoghurt. I haven't (yet) made the jump to the new blogger interface and it still loads photos for me. Usually on the second attempt. Good luck.

    I am sure that Jayne is right, but the mention of HTML makes my eyes glaze. I am going to have to bite the bullet on that one. Soon. Ish.

  7. Jayne; all that HTML and hopping back and forth with codes etc sounds like a lot of work. Let's not forget just how lazy I really am...Google account has an allowance? Maybe I'm overdrawn and that's why it's slow? I'll keep photobucket in mind though.

    Windsmoke; yes, they will I suppose.

    Andrew; "instant" yoghurt? A bit like instant pudding I suppose, mix with milk and let set.

    EC; I've noticed photos load better on the second day, and if I "add selected" after each photo it's not too bad either. But I used to be able to upload all the ones I wanted, THEN "add selected" all at once. I should probably try Jayne's method too. One day.


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