Sunday Selections #38

Welcome to Sunday Selections #40

As bloggers most of us have built up picture files of photos we think we might use "one day".
Often, as newer photos are filed and used, these older files are forgotten about.
They lie dormant on our hard drives, quietly singing "what about me, it isn't fair..."

Well, here's your chance to use these forgotten photos.
Have a gander through all those old files and pick a few, (or just one), that have been there a while but not been used.
You know, because a better idea came along.

Post them on a Sunday, under the Sunday Selections title, then link back to Kim at frogpondsrock, because this wonderful concept is hers. Then hop on over to Kim's and add your name to her linky list, leave her a comment too.

It really is that simple!

I've chosen a random selection this week, just as a change from my usual themed style.
I hope you enjoy them.

 One of my favourite trees, a big old oak tree in Queen Street, Norwood, SA

Dymocks Book Shop in Rundle Mall. I haven't been inside in quite a while...

Honeysuckle flowers that I had growing in my yard at my old home.

Australian Geographic, a great place to buy gifts.

 Shadow of a picket fence on a brick paved footpath.

The only decent photo of the moon that I've ever been able to take.

Join us and have fun with your Sundays. Instructions are above, in blue.


  1. I have NEVER taken a decent picture of the moon. and I love the single star in it as well. Jealous, jealous, jealous. Your tree and your shadow fence are also wonderful. Thank you.

  2. Nice shots...It is nice to have a place for those unused photos.

  3. Bonza photos, I seen the lonely star in the top left hand corner just like The Elephants Child or is it really an Alien Spaceship? :-).

  4. EC; Over the years I must have taken hundreds of moon photos, with only this one looking good. I didn't even notice the star in it until it was on the computer.

    Delores; thanks. my files currently have several thousand photos, when I'm looking for a particular one I sometimes have to set aside a whole day to search for it.

    Windsmoke; no alien ship, it's definitely a star. :(

  5. Great job with the moon photo! I've been trying to take one, too. No luck yet.

  6. Tat; welcome to drifting. Keep trying with the moon shots, I've taken hundreds, 99% of them no good.

  7. I really really like the shadows of the picket fence. Your moon is pretty cool as well River. xx

  8. i love the oak tree and the picket shadows :)

  9. Kim; thanks. I may never delete that moon one.

    Jayne; oak trees are my favourites and I like how shadows look differentdepending on the time of day and how cloudy or clear it is.

  10. Sorry I haven't checked these out sooner, we went over our download limit this month & I haven't been able to load pictures. :(

    I love the knotted tree one, the bodies of trees always excite me and I always wonder what it was that shaped them, a windy season, a big storm , disease ....

    And I also love the fence as I am very partial to shadow photos (probably because it is a specialty of children photographers, I have noticed!)


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