I've spent the last few minutes crying my eyes out

I arrived home from work totally knackered, so took a nap, then woke up to a text message from my daughter K, aka no-one, who wanted to know if I had removed my blog.

Well of course I hadn't, why would I?
I love blogging and putting up photos etc. I love receiving comments.
I love all the friends I've made out there.
All of you, my lovely readers.

So I got out the computer and tried clicking on my link in my "favourites" list.

Uh Oh
Blog not found.
This blog has been removed.
Wasn't me!!


I did a google search - nothing.

I've left a question on the Blogger Help Forum and I'm waiting for replies.

I've accessed this page through the BlogList on  no-one's blog and I hope this post goes up.
I'd like some answers.
And I'd like my blog to be back where it was.
(With all previous content in place of course).

Has this happened to any of you?
Have you logged on one day to find the entire 16 months you've spent blogging just vanished without a trace?


  1. I can see your whole blog so it is out there somewhere!!

    Good luck.

  2. A Farmer's Wife; Its back! I wish I knew what had happened. It just wasn't there and I got so upset. I did have a message from google saying they'd noticed unusual activity on my account, but I have no idea what that would have been.
    I'm so glad to see everything the way it was!

  3. Yep, came over to check it after I read your email and it's in full technicolour glory this end, too.
    No idea what may have happened but I'd suggest backing up your blog on a regular basis just in case.

  4. Here's a link to how to back up your blog HERE

  5. So glad it's okay for you now. There's a whole lot of spammers out there.

  6. Jayne; it's back now, accessed through my favourites as always. Thanks for the link on how to back up. I'll get onto it first thing tomorrow.

    Sarah; but would spammers just remove a random blog for no reason? I'll be following Jayne's back up link asap.

  7. Jayne; it's back now, accessed through my favourites as always. Thanks for the link on how to back up. I'll get onto it first thing tomorrow.

    Sarah; but would spammers just remove a random blog for no reason? I'll be following Jayne's back up link asap.

  8. How weird - and truly horrible. Your blog was always accessible from here in Switzerland. Maybe it's a classic IT Crowd solution: "Have you tried turning it off and then on again?"

  9. Kath; turning off didn't occur to me, I was too busy worrying and crying. All smiles now though.

  10. SO GLAD you got your blog back, chook! I would have been devastated if that happened to me! :)

  11. Hi River,

    It's happened to me too. What you need to do is back it up.

    COme to think of it - I think I need to do it again.




  12. How devastating. So glad that what was lost is now found. It was always here though.


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