Sunday Selections # 37

It's Sunday Selections time again!
Time to post photos that have been hiding away in your computer files, photos that you may have completely forgotten about.
Have a hunt through your files and find them.

This idea was brought to us by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, who realised one day that she takes many more photos than she uses, as we all do, and wanted to post some of the older ones on her blog.

A once a week meme seemed like a good idea, so Sunday Selections was born and anyone at all can join in.

I often choose a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week my theme is:


 Somewhere in my suburb

 An old pub balcony; the lower part of the building now houses several specialist shops.

 Pub balcony in the city. This one is my favourite.

 This picture didn't load. Possibly it will show when the post goes up tomorrow?
(It's a Hotel, I think)
 Row upon row upon row..

 Close-up of city apartments.

 Another oldie, possibly a Hotel or Boarding House. The keyhole and part staircase entrance looks to me like this veranda has been salvaged and transported from an old Queenslander.

Modern city apartments.

 Little semi-circlular balconies above a bigger square balcony.

 Some official building.

 More modern city apartments.

City apartments behind and between the offices.

To join in with Sunday Selections, post photos of your choice under the Sunday
Selections title, go to Kim's site, add your name to her linky list, then leave her a comment.
Then have a look at what others have posted for their selections.
There are some really good photographers out there.


  1. I am with you on your favourite, although I am also quite partial to the one with the keyhole entrance as there seems to be some pretty lead-lighting there too.

    And then there's the semi-circular balconies ... They just don't make them like they used to!

  2. I'm very partial to number 7....nice collection.

  3. The oldies are the ones I most like. I am not a fan of the sleek minimalist look.
    I do like the old Queenslander. Lots. Thanks.

  4. I have an award/challenge for you on "youngish" (you can access through the button on my sidebar on thefeatherednest) if you are up to it.

  5. permanently amanda; semi-circular balconies are not often seen, even on older buildings, the workmanship is truly delightful.

    Delores; that's the Queenslander, yes there is leadlight there, but I didn't have time to focus on it, my bus was coming.

    EC; I lived in Queensland for a time and one of my best friends there lived in an old Queenslander. We spent many happy hours on her cool closed in porches eating pizzas in the heat of summer.

    Delores; a challenge?? Ooh, I'll come right over..

  6. I really like the older balconies, They always send me off in a daydream Thanks River :)

  7. I love the older balconies that had unique featers. So much more interesting than today's balconies where all the architecture looks the same.

  8. I love the pub balcony, too, it looks really substantial :)

  9. The photo at number seven: red tiles, fret work, stained glass; what style. Compare it to the Ap-a-a-a-artments below and wonder where the poetry has gone.

  10. Marita; agreed, all that fancy fretwork, the wrought iron, the carvings; all ahve charm not apparent in the square simple shapes of modern balconies. Of course simplicity is it's own charm.

    Jayne; it's a very wide balcony, goes right to the edge of the footpath with tables and seats under it for outdoor diners.

    R.H. symmetry is it's own poetry. But I do like the old Queenslander balcony too.


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