I love days off

I really do.

Sleep in, have a  leisurely coffee.
Read a book for a while.

Wander off to the post office where I pay my rent.

Then home again, where I noticed the roses had new flowers so I cut a few for my kitchen.
Three yellows, two reds and a beautiful pink edged cream one.

Then, I spent a couple of happy hours wandering around in my front garden.
Of course we all know it isn't exclusively mine, but let's not get bogged down in technicalities.
I can see the whole front yard from my door and window, so that's good enough for me to call it mine.

I pulled on my new gardening gloves, got out my recycling tub, the new secateurs, the new pruning saw and went to work.
Deadheading the roses, sawing off a lot of dead wood from them, pulling out odd bits of grass and some young thistles here and there.
I had a wonderful time
I have to tell you though, most of these are old fashioned rose varieties, with thorns.
Lots of thorns.

Even with the gardening gloves I got stabbed and scratched quite a bit.
I washed off with undiluted Dettol, then followed that with hot water and lots of soap!

This is very satisfactory work, because I know the rose bushes will reward me with lots of new blooms.
Heaven is in my front yard.


  1. I am so glad you are enjoying your new home.

  2. I can feel your enjoyment with your home. But the old fashioned roses are the ones that have the glorious scent. I have a couple bushes of the old fashion roses; I picked one rose and it was in the kitchen. The fragrance drifted all the way back to my bedroom.


  3. I can smell them from here, such is the power of suggestion. Sometimes it seems like everyone who blogs has a garden and when I read about them, it almost makes me want to join the crowd.

  4. Delores; I'm loving it here.

    Manzanita; the scent from these is very lovely, especially the dark red ones. The petals look like velvet and the scent goes right through my one bedroom flat.

    Rubye Jack; come and visit me, I'll give you some good strong cuttings. In just a couple of years they'll be good sized shrubs. Do you have garden space where you are?

  5. EC; your blog is one of the ones I can't leave a comment on. I typed it twice and pressed post comment, but the comment just vanished.
    I loved your tour of TulipTops, I'm very impressed that all of that garden is planned and maintained by just two people!

  6. Sounds like you had an enjoyable day :-).

  7. Seems to be working ok now. But i'll wait and see what happens later :-).

  8. River: I am really glad that you are enjoying your garden (and if you work in it is yours), and your new flat.
    I am sorry you couldn't comment on my tuliptops trip, but thank you for posting it here. I just can't get over all that work done by two people either.

  9. Your article heading alone won me over but I'm glad to hear that you love your new home. I miss the lovely roses that Adelaide gardens produced....

  10. :) I hate gardening... but I feel myself smiling for you at the joy of yours.

  11. Windsmoke; it's been a great day. I hope my comments keep working for you.

    EC; I may have to comment to you here until the problem is fixed. I hope you don't mind that.

    Kath; Adelaide does seem to have a knack for roses. Think of the joy you'll have rediscovering gardening when you return.

    Kelley; gardening isn't for everyone. But I'm happy to make you smile.

    I hope too many other people aren't having trouble posting comments here.
    I'm unable to comment at Elephant's Child; Sleepydwarf, and Sassying It Up.

  12. Not a problem. Glad you are reading me. Sometimes blogger and its hissy fits make me have one of my own.

  13. I'm so pleased to hear the pleasure in your blog that you're enjoying your new home :)

  14. Jayne; I'm a lot happier now that the Jasmine has finished flowering.

  15. EC; I think there may be a way, I'll try commenting as "anonymous" for a while.


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