Have you noticed? When cleaning glass, whether it be doors, panels, partitions, no matter which side you begin cleaning first, the smudges are always on the other side. Waiting at a bus top? Doesn't matter which side of the road you're on, doesn't matter which dorection you want to travel, the bus on the other side of the road, going in the opposite direction, always arrives first. Supermarket checkout queue? Wander along behind each one, watch to see which is moving along the fastest and join that one with your overloaded trolley. Immediately, or soon after, the queue on the other side will start to move along much faster than the glacier-slow queue that you are now stuck in. Libraries. When you're after a particular book, or series of stories by a particular author, you'll visit every library within bus trip range, only to discover your city only has one copy (set) of the book(s) you want and it's in another library on the other side of town. S...