there, that should fix it

I've had a little wander through my settings and removed the word verification that you're all having so much trouble with.

I don't seem to have a problem with it, I'm able to leave my comments on other blogs with only one try, it takes a little longer to make out the word......

Anyway, here's the deal.......I'll leave it off for now, but if I start getting lots of "unwelcome" (you know...nasty) comments, I'll be turning the WV back on.


  1. Hi River,
    I've been really struggling with that new word verification and numbers. Thankfully, on the sites who have it, I eventually proved I'm not a robot. Nope, I'm an android! :)
    Take care and thanks for the comment on my silly posting. Much appreciated.
    Kind wishes, Gary

  2. thank you so much. I sort of cough it up to old eyes with an astigmatism. On the rare occasions when I get it the first try, then of COURSE it's no more trouble than one word.

    And that seems absolutely fair--I will do the same thing if I start getting horrible stuff as well.

    And, as I said, your blog is worth the tries anyway. All I had found was that it was cutting the number of blogs I could visit when sometimes up to two minutes is taken up with my being completely frustrated with my eyesight.

    ENOUGH. I STILL Love the banana dolphin... which is way more important

  3. River you are a sweetie to do that. Much appreciated and I hope you don't get any "oddball" messages.

  4. hey man and hallelujah, "publish your comment" button is restored. What a gas.

    Single word wv was okay, can you try that? Us poets can't do any sort of work you know, we only operate in a daze.

  5. I've struggled a bit with this two word wv at times. Personally I'd rather deal with the spam. The spam filter works pretty well now. Did you know you can change settings so that comments on posts say over two weeks old have to be approved by you. Most of my spam targets certain posts for no apparent reason.

  6. Those wv are getting sly and have beaten me on many occasions. I dread to think what they are going to come up with next.

  7. Thanks. I was not leaving comments because of it.

  8. We are very sad to report that the last fair dinkum Aussie pub in Melbourne has closed.

    Just what the hell is happening? When every pub around here and even "The Station" in Footscray has gone la de da, hanky in the pocket broomstick up the arse sterile. Walk in wearing overalls and they think you're there to fix something. And the prices!- Christ!- I want a drink, not buy the fucken pub!

    So where do we go now, we folks of bland attire and raucous laughter. And who are these people taking over everything, a class that never existed before.

    Darlings, I only know what they ain't.

    They ain't Aussie.

  9. I've had no trouble with WV either, but sometimes i think i might have to stand on me 'ead one day to read the words/numbers :-).

  10. Thank you. I have had to have two, three, or more tries sometimes which can get frustrating. And of course if the oddballs find you put it back in place.

  11. klahanie; welcome to drifting. I'll have to spend some time on the weekend and catch up with more of your posts, I haven't been there hardly at all.

    JeanetteLS; I have weird eyes too, longsighted and crosseyed. I'm glad you think my blog is worth the effort.

    Delores; so far, the only "oddball" around here is R.H., but we're used to him. It's the trolls I worry about, but the spam filter is pretty good.

    R.H single WV is not an option, blogger's choice is to give us two and we can't change that, all we can do is remove WV altogether.

    Andrew; I never check back that far, I only check back to what's on my current page, 5 posts. The spam filter is pretty good.

    Sarah; I find them easy enough, but I wish I knew what Blogger's game was, changing things unexpectedly.

    peskypixie; welcome back.

    R.H. I'd prefer NOT to have the "f" word here, if you don't mind. (Also the "c" word is off limits too.)
    It's a shame about the pubs all going touristy and upmarket.

    Windsmoke; too many people are having trouble, that's why I've removed it.

    EC; I'm pretty sure the spam filter will weed out the oddballs.

  12. ....clever you, River.

    HOW did you do it? I'm trying to remove it on mine and can't figure it out to save myself!

  13. Drum roll please... I have finally made the connection between wv and approval [duh!!!]. Shall try very hard to grapple with the issue and the spam filter, because it takes me 6 or 7 tries to pass one of those new tests.

  14. River, it's rare, but sometimes there's no other way.

  15. kath Lockett; go to dashboard, click on the comments tab, click on the settings tab, scroll right down to the bottom where it says word verification on/off, choose off, then scroll a little further and "save settings".

    FruitCake; remove the word verification.

    R.H. okay, you're excused, but just this once.

  16. I don't have 'word verification on/off' under my Comments or Settings tab on blogger dashboard.... ???

  17. Hi River,

    That new word verification thing is really bugging me.


    I don't really want to turn off moderation on my blog though.




  18. Thank you, River. Hopefully people will mind their manners and not ruin things for everyone. :)

  19. Kath Lockett; in the Comments tab, go to the subheading settings, it should be there.

    Plasman; the choice is yours, I don't seem to have trouble with the two words.

    Happy Elf Mom; I'll soon enough send people to the spam bin if they don't behave.


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