Sunday Selections # 57

It's Sunday Selections time again!

Time to post photos that have been hiding away in your computer files, photos that you may have completely forgotten about.
Have a hunt through your files and find some.

This idea comes to us from Kim at Frog Ponds Rock, who realised one day that she takes many more photos than she uses, as we all do, and wanted to post some of the older ones on her blog.

A once a week meme seemed like a good idea, so Sunday Selections was born and anyone at all can join in.

I often choose a theme for my Sunday Selections, although you don't have to, this week my theme is


Here we are, back at Adelaide's Central Market.

Okay, this isn't a food, but it is one of my favourite stall signs, so I've included it.

Shiny apples. Mmmm, apple pie, apple teacake.....

Bright yellow lemons...lemon meringue pie anyone? There's oranges there too and grapefruits, down in the right hand corner are bananas sneaking into the photo, determined not to be left out.

Pineapples. You either love them or hate them. I love them. A slice of pineapple is like a slice of sunshine.

The big "smiles" of sweet, sweet watermelons.  Who doesn't love watermelon? Summer just wouldn't be summer without it.

Asian greens, from the Asian stall of course, for stirfrys, salads, whatever else you might want to use them for.

Here we see a selection of the vegetables most often found in my kitchen, especially in the winter time, when I like to cook up soups, casseroles, pots of spaghetti sauce, or just a plate full of assorted veg with maybe a tiny steak on the side.  Carrots, sweetcorn, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbages, parsnips, all delicious.

To join in with Sunday Selections, post photos of your choice under the Sunday Selections title, then link back to Kim. Hop on over to Frog Ponds Rock, add your name to Kim's linky list, then leave her a comment.
While you're there, have a look at what others have posted for their Sunday Selections.


  1. Love the disply of the artistic.

  2. It looks like our local home grown market smells.

  3. I love fruit and vegetable displays. Yum. Full of possibilities. Thank you.

  4. We love fruit and veg shopping here. Miss 5 is always on the look out for something new, and is a great fruit and veg eater.

    And, seeing your post about markets has reminded me that my parents have a stall at the local trash and treasure market today. Best pop down there later and see how they are going!

  5. Fruit and vegetables are mother natures delights either cooked or raw :-).

  6. Hi River,

    I'm a big fruit and veg man myself. Nice photos - that look surprisingly like shops you will find in Manchester ...




  7. Delores; fruit is so pretty, it doesn't take much skill to make it artistic.

    Joanne; I'm imagining the smells now....

    EC; you're welcome.

    permanently amanda; yes indeedy, pop on down there.

    Windsmoke; natures delights, I like that description. Can you believe I knew a young girl once who only ever ate hot chips, absolutely no other vegetables or fruits! Plenty of meat and chicken, but no colourful veggies.

    Plasman; I'm sure fruit and veg markets look pretty much the same anywhere. Lively and full of colour.

    Everyone; there's talk (again) around Adelaide of sprucing up the market. Some people, who should never be listened to, want to "modernise" the market. clean it up, spruce it up. Others are suggesting a bit of a clean up, and newer, better toilet blocks. That part's fine with me. But if the market is modernised and the atmosphere is lost, local people and tourists will stop will be lost, Adelaide will lose probably it's best known icon.
    I really hope this doesn't happen.

  8. Okay, so when can we come over for dinner?

  9. Your mustard greens are SO CHEAP. they are at least double that down here :(

  10. Carolina; any time you like. Just call ahead and make sure I'm home.

    frogpondsrock; that whole stall is cheap, owned and run by Asians who grow their own produce. I used to buy a lot of greens there when I was feeding the kids.

  11. Mmmmm, growers market. I love photos from markets. It makes me smile to see all that fresh produce.


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