let's take another short walk through the gardens

Here's the gates, come on in.

Today we can look at the statues and other structures.

This one is in a pond, it looks like it could be a fountain. The water would spout out of the bird's mouth.

Love this plant. Do you think this "style" would look good on me?

There's always a semi-naked lady somewhere.

Urns are among my favourites.

The divided pine. One trunk, two main leader branches.

Does this look like a giant safari hat sitting on some bushes?

It's the roof of a gazebo.

Here's another gazebo, this one with a wrought iron roof. Very pretty, but not shady enough for me.

And three baby ducks. Mama duck was close by, watching every move I made. A fourth baby duck was in the water and I tried to photograph him, but every time I pushed that shutter button, he'd dive under showing me his tail instead.


  1. Love the close up you got of the ducks, River!

  2. I Love the photo of the ducks River, what camera do you use.... your photos are beautiful.

  3. Very clever with the gazebo roof.

  4. Jayne; the one in the water was the funny one, bobbing around watching me, then hiding his face.

    Kath; a zoom lens comes in handy.

    Cheese Whine and Whispers; it's just a little point and shoot, Canon Powershot A460. I've had it a year and still don't know all the settings and capabilities.

    Andrew; I spotted it as I rounded a corner from seeing something else. Couldn't pass up the opportunity.


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