if at first you don't succeed

Try again. And keep on trying. Eventually something will grow.

Here in this tub are 2 cauliflower seedlings on the left; 2 broccoli seedlings on the right.
One of my favourite winter side dishes is cauli and broccoli baked in cheese sauce. Preferably served alongside roast beef.

 Another cauliflower. I have 4 altogether.

Here is another broccoli. The feathery green in the background is carrots.

 In this tub are 4 cabbage seedlings. I really love my green vegetables. See that tiny seedling on the left in the middle?

Here it is again. It's a mini cabbage. Full sized the head is firmly packed and about 4 inches across.
Much more economical for a single (or two) person household.
I have mini cauliflowers too, they're about the same size as this tiny cabbage.

Once this lot is harvested and shared around with my family, the tubs will be dug over, have compost and a little manure added, then they'll sit idle for a couple of months before planting again with summer produce.
I'm thinking of trying cucumbers.......


  1. I'm so sorry I visited. I didn't know you had tiny little fragile plants and now that I've looked at them even through cyberspace, they will wither because of my notorious black thumb of plant death.

  2. Now I feel guilty again. Probably won't do a damn thing about it although being light on the work front, I'm close to having to grow my own food! Cabbage? Not a fave although I did put it in the Nasi Goreng last Friday, pretty sweet.

  3. Love it! You inspire me to begin again.

  4. Hi there....I found you totally by accident as I was looking for book2blog information and, there you were. After reading back several postings I have decided to "follow".
    Haven't gardened in years but you are giving me that "itch" again.

  5. Life In A Pink Fibro; Ha Ha; I keep saying I'm giving up, but something always gets me planting again.

    mybabyjohn; I'll hop over and see your blog. By the way, I was very happy with how my blogbook turned out.

  6. Good work & good luck with them. I need to get back out there & plant more seedlings too.


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