Melt-in-the-mouth Chocolate Fudge

For Sarah because she asked.

Melt-in-the-mouth Chocolate Fudge

(Yes, this really does melt in your mouth, place a piece on your tongue and see for yourself....)

>  125g butter  (not margarine)
>  2/3 cup evaporated milk  (not the reduced or "lite")
>  100g white marshmallows
>  1 1/4 cups caster sugar
>  1 teaspoon vanilla essence
>  185g dark chocolate, broken into bits

Line a brownie pan (swiss roll tin/slice tin) with greased foil.
Put butter, sugar, milk, marshmallows in a heavy based saucepan.
Stir over low heat until marshmallows are melted.
Mixture will now begin to boil.
(do not adjust heat)
Continue stirring and boil for eight minutes.
Yes, eight. Time it.
Remove from heat, stir in broken up chocolate and vanilla essence.
Pour into prepared pan.
(Try to get it level.)
Allow to cool and set. In fridge.
Turn out, remove foil, cut with knife dipped in hot water.

I know eight minutes seems like a long time, so make this at night when the kids are asleep and not interrupting you....


  1. I'll have a go at this.
    If it works I'll send it to Mentone post office.

  2. If it don't work I'll send it as well.

  3. DROOLING.....

    I love fudge.

    LOVE it.

    Definitely going to try this, late at night when the kidlets are snoozing.

  4. I really like the idea of putting marshmallows into the should be extra smooth.

  5. I totally thought I could smell fudge yesterday. Were you making some then?

  6. mmmmmmmmmm sounds delish.must find some gluten free marshmallows so I can make it.

  7. R.H. of course it will work. I'm pretty sure Coppy will love getting fudge in the mail.

    Toni;this is the first fudge recipe I ever found and I've stuck with it in spite of trying many of the simpler ones I've seen since.

    Carol; the marshmallows help with that melt-in-the-mouth texture.

    no-one; no, I wasn't. I don't have any dark chocolate in the house. But now I want to make some.....

    peskypixies; I thought marshmallows were gluten free? I'll have to check the packet.

  8. peskpixies; surprise surprise! they DO contain gluten. The ingredients contain glucose syrup from WHEAT and WHEAT starch. I've never bothered to read it before.

  9. I totally love fudges, and when it is chocolate it is icing on the cake!!!
    Truly loved your blog, my first visit here...
    Have a great week ahead:)

  10. Ha! It's not the 8 minutes that's too long - it's the 'allow to cool and set' time!! Already drooling ...

  11. Arti; welcome to drifting. Have a go at the fudge, it's worth it.

    Red Nomad; the cool and set doesn't take all that long, just wash up the cooking mess while you wait.

  12. hmm. yummy, looking great.. :)


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