Sunday Selections #59

It's Sunday Selections time again!
Time to post photos that have been hiding away in your computer files, photos that you may have completely forgotten about.

This idea was brought to us by Kim, of Frog Ponds Rock fame, who realised one day that she takes many more photos than she uses, as we all do, and wanted to post some of the older ones on her blog.

A once a week meme seemed like a good idea, so Sunday Selections was born and anyone at all can join in.

This week, I'm sharing with you a few of the photos I took while in Sydney last March.

sitting at a bus stop, looking up through the rain.

disco lights on the ceiling at the dinner dance after the conference

looking down from the upper deck of the ferry I rode around the Harbor on.

ferries and water taxis

choppy water out on the bay.

To join in with Sunday Selections post photos of your choice under the Sunday Selections title, link back to Kim in your post, the go to Frog Ponds Rock and add your name to the linky list.
Then leave the lovely Kim a comment.
That's all you need to do.


  1. That looks as wet and cold as it feels here today.

  2. The optics of the first three are so interesting. The rest, to second Delores, are just as chilly as today.

  3. I do love your Sunday Selections. You always give a new perspective. I love the bus stop in the rain, and the disco light perhaps the best, but they are all a delight. Thanks.

  4. Delores; it was a very wet weekend, no so cold though.

    Joanne; I like the first one the best.

    EC; I do try to vary the themes etc, just to keep people interested. I like taking photos at unusual angles too.

  5. I love the perspectives of looking up... and down!

  6. The conference was just so much fun. Meeting you was one of the highlights of my year. x

  7. Cindi; I love the photos I can get just by varying the usual angles.

    Carolina; Thanks.

    Veronica; same here, I was afraid to hug you though, and maybe dislocate something, so I was glad when you hugged me. I LOVED your mum!


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