Happy New Year!

Welcome 2016!

May all your hopes be fulfilled, and all your dreams come true.

Boney M: Auld Lang Syne 
(It's my favourite version and I know it says 2014 at the end, but we'll just ignore that, okay?) 

And a different version for all you romantics out there:

I hope it plays, fingers crossed 



  1. a very happy, safe, healthy, and productive 2000 sixteen to you and yours

  2. Hi River,

    At the time of commenting it's still 2015 up north.

    Hope you have a smashing 2016.




    1. Here's the "k" missing from my comment below (*~*)

  3. Lovely sentiments and wishes River - thank you!! and may you dear lady have a wonderful, healthy and happy new year too. (PS love Boney M) xx

  4. Happy New Year to you, River...may all you dreams, hopes and wishes come true. Best wishes to you...and a hug to Angel for the New Year.

    I'm an old romantic...so I played the Robert Taylor/Vivien Leigh clip from "Waterloo Bridge". I'm not a fan of Boney M. I do love Auld Lang Syne, though and have played a few bagpipe versions of it tonight.

    All the very best. :)

  5. Happy New Year to you & Angel!!

  6. Wishing you a wonderful new year.

  7. This is the first time I have heard Auld Lang Syne this year. Happy New Year.

  8. ... happy New Year River..... may it be a wonderful one for you ....
    I loved both versions and loved them...

    I read your previous post and agree with you about the bus service.. it should be as normal not everybody goes on holidays..
    Sometimes I find things in the supermarket I've never seen before it's interesting when this happens and I wonder if it is 'new' or just 'new to me' ...
    Hugs to you and Angel.... Barb xxxxx

  9. And, a Happy New Year to you and Angel! May it be a very good one for you both :)

    Auld Lang Syne always makes me cry...

  10. By the way, that old B&W movie in the clip - Waterloo Bridge, is one of my very favourites.
    It never fails to have me balling at the end...

  11. R Mac Wheeler; I hope 2016 brings you everything you could wish for.

    Plasman; than you, the smashing has already begun. A miniature glass Christmas tree with a couple of branches broken off, it's on my kitchen bench right now, waiting for the glue to set so I can pack it away.
    I hope 2016 is good to you and your family.

    Kathy G; Happy New Year to you and your family.

    Rose ~ from Oz; nice to see you here. Happy New Scottish Year!

    Lee; Happy New Year to you, Shama and Remy. I'd hug angel if I could find him, he's been avoiding me since he slashed my palm open last Sunday. At 2.30am! I probably scared him with the sudden screeching and leaping out of bed (*~*)
    I'm glad you liked at least one of my Auld Lang Synes. I've never seen Waterloo Bridge, found the clip quite by accident.

    fishducky; Happy New Year to you and Bud and all your friends.

    Molly; Happy New Year to you too :)

    Merle; I'm wishing you a happy new bathroom! And a Happy New Year :)

    Elephant's Child; Happy New Year to all of you too, Jazz, Jewel, the cherished skinny one and your fabulous self.

    Andrew; I hope you sang along. Happy New Year to you and R.

    Barbara; Happy New Year to you and your hubby and Mum.
    The buses are something we'll just have to put up with, glad I'm no longer working so I don't have specific times to be somewhere.
    I often tell people about new things I've bought, only to have them say, "oh that's been out for ages".

    Vicki; Happy New Year to you and your family. I choose more upbeat versions of Auld Lang Syne so I don't get teary thinking about old friends who are gone. Not dead, just far away now.
    I didn't know about Waterloo Bridge, have never seen it, but recognised Vivien Leigh.I found the clip just picking songs at random at you tube.

    1. I love the song "Auld Lang Syne", River. To me, as it is to thousands, if not millions of others, it's full of emotions. It's Boney M I don't like. I never have liked them. They grate on me for whatever reason...they always have. Individual tastes...as is everything. :)

      Poor Angel. Ne's probably feeling very sorry for hurting you unintentionally. I hope your hand heals soon.

  12. Happy New a Year.
    Two wonderful Auld Lang Syne...yes, they both play..

  13. Lee; I know you like the song and I know it's Boney M you don't like; as you said individual tastes. This is why I searched for an extra clip, for those who don't like Boney M.
    The hand is healing, but slowly, Angel managed to slash a claw right in one of those creases that heartline or life line or whichever one it is, so any time I flex the hand for any reason the wound is either stretched open or squished closed. It's less than a centimeter long, but in a very annoying place.

    Margaret-whiteangel; I'm glad the music clips both played, people can choose the one they like best to listen to.
    Happy New Year.

  14. Lee; I googled palm lines, Angel clawed my heart line.


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