Sunday Selections # 51

It's Sunday Selections time again!
Time to post photos that have been hiding away in your computer files, photos that you may have completely forgotten about.
Have a hunt through your files and find some.

This idea come sto us from Kim, at Frog Ponds Rock, who realised one day that she takes many more photos than she uses, as we all do, and wanted to post some of the older ones on her blog.

A once a week meme seemed like a good idea, so Sunday Selections was born, and anyone at all can join in.

I often choose a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week I've chosen one of my favourite foods.

The following photos were taken at one of the cheese stalls at Adelaide's Central Market last November.

I prefer to buy my cheese in block form, so that I can slice, cube or grate as needed.

I haven't actually tried any of these selections, I'm not so adventurous when it comes to new tastes and I was raised on mild cheese that we bought in wedges from the local corner store. 3/-* worth of cheese was quite a lot in those days and would last us almost a week. * three shillings, not sure what that is in todays money.

They do look interesting though, and this may be the year when I try a few. I wonder if they'd sell me just 50grams of any variety, just for tasting purposes. Perhaps they have tasting platters.....

I like looking at the whole, uncut cheese wheels.

These were something I'd never seen before, so I asked what they were.
Smoked baby mozzarella with a whole chilli pepper buried in the centre.
This might be the first one I try. I know that if I don't like it, I have a son who will.

Cheese Diva.

Camembert. When I was younger, I refuse to try what I considered "snobs" cheeses, because I'd heard you were supposed to eat the white mould that surrounded it as well, there was no way I was going to eat mould on purpose!
I have tried Camembert since then, but usually scooping the cheese out from the mould "skin" and spreading it on crackers.

Next week.......a different market stall.

To join in with Sunday Selections, post photos of your choice under the Sunday Selections title, link back to Kim, then go to Frog Ponds Rock and add your name to her linky list.
Don't forget to leave Kim a comment.

Then have a look at what others have posted for their selections.
There are some really good photographers out there.


  1. Hi River,

    I LOVE cheese - it is one of my weaknesses.

    Yum - I think I fancy some cheese on toast.




  2. Yummo. Cheese is one of my favourtie foods as well. I suspect they would be happy to let you try a small amount - and it can't hurt to ask.

  3. Oh how I wish I could eat cheese again.....

  4. I must be a snob, I love brie and camembert. Great shots. Say 'cheese'

  5. Plasman; cheese on toast, yum. Makes a quick and easy breakfast or lunch.

    EC; I'm fairly sure they allow tastings, after all, we do at Coles.

    Delores; you can't eat cheese? That's sad.

    Baino; you snob you. Ha Ha, just kidding, you're not at all snobbish.

  6. YUM!!!
    I love cheese - it is one of my many downfalls lol, give the taste testing a go, you might find there's some unknown tasty friends out there waiting to find you ;)

  7. You can't beat Coon Tasty Cheese block style or Kraft Single Slices. Be very careful if you are going to try the Smoked Baby Mozzarella with chilli it could be very hot and bring tears to your eyes and burn a hole in your tongue :-).

  8. When I come to Adelaide. You and I will have a cheese platter together. I will introduce you to my favourite cheese. AND I will eat the ones you don't like. It will be a win/win situation. Now I just need to start saving.

  9. Ro; after a lifetime of mild cheeses I'm quite willing to give other varieties a try.

    Windsmoke; Coon tasty is what I use to make cheese sauce, Krafy singles are plastic and shouldn't be eaten at all. I'll be trying the smoked Baby Mozzarella by cutting it open and removing the chilli, or just slicing away from the centre, that way just getting the flavour, should be okay.

    frogpondsrock; just don't offer me blue vein, the look of it just puts me right off.

  10. I love cheese but I'm not all that adventurous either, so long as there arent any green or blue bits in it I'm fine with it

  11. Yum! That all looks divine. I love cheese too. Unless it has blue stuff in it ...

  12. Oh my! I am craving cheese now :)

  13. walking here with a smile. take care.. have a nice day ~ =D

    Regards, (A Growing Teenager Diary) ..

  14. Tempo; so, no blue vein cheese for you either.

    Sleepydwarf; another one...there must be quite a lot of us "no blue cheese" people.

    Marita; I was too, so I just cut a few slices of the block and had a snack.

    Mr Lonely; welcome to drifting. it's hard to be lonely on the internet, there's so many people here.

  15. Okay, so if you get a camembert in one of those wooden boxes (like in the photo) that isn't glued together, make a cross-cut through the white mould on top, put a clove of garlic and a some rosemary in that, leave the camembert in the box, but without the lid and put it in the oven for a while, until it has melted enough to dip bread or breadsticks in it. Yum. A one-person-cheese-fondue. I'm not a big brie and camembert fan myself, but I do like roquefort and other blue vained cheeses. It's an acquired taste, but once you're hooked.... ;-)

  16. Cheese...... one of my favourite 'ch' words and foods coming a close second behind chocolate.

    Living in French-Switzerland, we have been utterly astounded by the variety of cheeses available and the simple-sounding meal of 'bread and cheese' is usually anything but.

    Still miss and love Adelaide's Central Market though....

  17. I used to work in deli's, so a cheese platter was a regular meal. It's no wonder that at under 12 months Miss 5 was asking for trials of blue cheese. Not a mild blue, but a really stinky one. She has had 3 or 4 different cheese on her plate daily ever since :)

    Maybe also try cheeses that go in other things. Bocconcini (balls of mozzarella) don't have much flavour, but they make a nice salad with sliced tomatoes, some fresh basil, black pepper & a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Could eat platefuls of that quite easily :)

  18. Mmmm ... such a lot of lovely cheese!

    I'm pretty unadventurous when it comes to new flavours, too, but though I like Cheddar (medium to fairly strong, but not 'bite-you-back' strong) I do love Brie and Camembert, goat cheese, Taleggio, Stracchino, Double Gloucestershire, Parmesan and Grano Padana .. among others. NO BLUE CHEESE! It is just orrible. LOL!

  19. Carolina; garlic and rosemary? Oh, that sounds wonderful! I'm definitely trying that!

    Kath Lockett; I haven't been very adventurous with cheeses, but I'm going to try at least a few new ones this year.
    When you get back to Aus. you'll have to visit the market and be photographed grinning insanely at every stall....

    Pnadora Behr; thanks and welcome.

    permanently amanda; I've tried bocconcini torn apart on pizza and baby bocconcini in salads, there's a flavoured variety too which is quite nice.
    I don't think I'll ever try the blue veined cheeses.

    Jay at the Depp Effect; I haven't been adventurous either, but I'm beginning to want more taste in my foods now. Which is probably a good thing. My whole life I've had mild and sweet, it's time to branch out.

  20. I love cheese! I tried this really yummy one last month which had apricot in it. I'm not a big fan of apricots but it was delish!


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