
Let's be honest.
How many of us really notice chimneys?
I've glanced at them, noting that some are purely functional, some are interestingly shaped, some are very old.

My friend Jayne, from Our Great Southern Land, has a thing for old chimneys and after hanging around on her site for some time, I've been noticing chimneys more than I used to.

These first four photos are chimneys that I spotted while walking along the top end of Portrush Road on my way home from Hahndorf.
After I got off the bus of course, I didn't walk all the way from Hahndorf.....

I like the intricate workmanship on these lovely old examples.

A double decker...

Twin pillars and a finial.

These next few are in Hahndorf.
Many of the old chimneys have grass growing on them.

Big, square and sturdy.

Moss covered bricks and a chimneypot.

You're going to love this next one.
It's not a chimney, but it is high up on a rooftop.
On one of the many icecream shops.

Isn't he cute?


  1. Hi River,

    Cripes - my chimney's so boring compared to those.




  2. That's a cute study. I was in Newtown on the weekend and noticed some very mod chimneys atop rennovated wheat silos that are now posh flats. Very innovative.

  3. You've inspired me to look upwards the next time I take a stroll around Flemington. Lovely pics!

  4. Love chimneys and those are gorgeous, River!
    It just shows the art and talent of the builders from yesteryear weren't confined to straight walls and plumb lines!

  5. There are some ripper chimneys there. Jayne is responsible for me staring into the sky at times too.

  6. Oh they're beautiful! I love chimneys. And rooflines.

  7. Plasman; I don't even have a chimney!

    Baino; Wheat silos as flats, that different.

    Kath; there's lots of stuff up there that we just don't notice.

    Jayne; Adelaide has some lovely chimneys, there's some in the city that I want to photograph for you.

    Andrew; Jayne and Kath are responsible for me looking at almost everything differently.

    Toni; I've got some rooflines too.

  8. Well, we'll ALL be looking skywards when it's time for Santa to come to town!!

    Happy travels!!

  9. I like the twisty one made of bricks. The ones they make nowadays are so dull in comparison to some of the beautiful, older ones.

  10. Red Nomad OZ; I'm not sure Santa will make it to my place, I haven't exactly been on my best behaviour this year....

    Wanderlust; Hi Kristin, There's not too many dull chimneys here in Adelaide.


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