remember this?

From a previous post, the promise of beauty, 29/10/10, it's a Hoya flower bud.

The plant is in a hanging pot at the front corner of my carport. Hoyas like to be potbound, so I've kept it in this small pot for the whole time I've had it, about 2 years. Picked it up at a garage sale.
The flowers hang upside down, so are seen best if the pot is hung fairly high. Mine is down lower so that I can water it more easily.
Here, below, is the next stage, the stems expand outwards and the buds on each stem end begin to open, showing pink.

Here is the third stage, with stems even further expanded and a pink flower bud on each one.
Looks a bit like an umbrella blown the wrong way, doesn't it?

I had to almost lie down to get this next shot, this is what the flower buds look like, little pentagons.

One more umbrella of pink pentagons. Currently, the plant has 9 of these flowerheads in varying stages of openness.

Here is a fully opened one, very pretty, yes?
(this photo was taken last season just after a rain shower, see the water droplets?)

Lastly, a closeup of an individual floweret. I love these.


  1. Gorgeous. All gorgeous. I heart spring.

  2. Stunning. There's so much art in nature but it needs an eye like yours to appreciate it dear River.

  3. Hoyas always seem a bit prehistoric to me! Almost like not-quite-real flowers! Fantastic, and so exotic!

    Happy travels!!

  4. Wow, you've just brought back all my childhood what with my mum and next door neighbour both having beautiful Hoyas on the front porch, mum used to feed banana skins to hers (no idea if it really liked it but it kept going for about 15 years).
    Love those flowers.
    Might go find me a Hoya for the front porch....

  5. Wow they're unusual. My mother planted one once but it never flowered for some reason.

  6. As Jayne says, banana skins. Many used to do it, so there must be something in it.

  7. Kimmie; thanks. I love spring weather, but not spring pollens. Atchoo!!

    Kath; I like to get in close to the tiny things that most people just don't notice.

    Red Nomad OZ; they're a very old-fashioned plant. My mum had one too.

    Jayne; banana skins? hmmm. Have to try that. I've heard about it, one skin until it rots away if I remember.

    Baino; they prefer to be pot bound. In the garden I think the trick is to keep them on the drier side.

    Andrew, I'll try the banana skin, but since mine flowers really well, I'm not sure I need to.

    Toni; thanks.


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