no photos today

I spent hours in the city today.

Lunched with K, discussed books and TV shows we've seen and read.
Wandered along Rundle Mall taking a few more photos of Christmas Decorations, then walked along North Terrace taking photos of various buildings. With chimneys! And without.....

Then I went into our Botanic Gardens.

We're having absolutely gorgeous weather here today and I spent at least two and a half hours there just wandering around taking photos.

Altogether just over 200. I'll spend time tomorrow sorting through them all and deciding which ones to use for future posts.

When I got home I noticed my face was quite pink and worried that I'd got a little sunburnt, but it's faded away now and I'm not. Whew! Sunburn ain't pretty, plus it's painful.

So that was my day. How was yours?


  1. Noice. I had lunch with a friend in the city today. Very pleasant. We hoped to visit Adelaide cmas NY, but life became too complicated and busy.

  2. Andrew; Adelaide's a patient girl. She's been here for years and she'll be her for years. whenever you're ready to visit, she'll be here.

  3. Sweet. Looking forward to the photos. .the only ones I've taken this week were at a client cocktail party on Thursday night. Just hope they're in focus, still breaking in the new camera. Have a great weekend River. Sunny and delicious here in Sydney too.

  4. Hi River,

    As I sit here looking out of the window on a freezing cold November day I can't help but be a little jealous that you are in a warm place with a chance of sunburn ...





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