look what I've spotted

Tiny things!

Teensy tiny things.

Like this baby praying mantis sitting on one of my rose cutting leaves.

(the poor rose cuttings aren't doing so well, from 3 dozen beginners, I have 5 left...)

In the supermarket, cute cukes.

Look at these little babies!

Here's a couple against my hand so you can see just how small they are.

And here's one sliced into my dinner salad.

In other news, I've seen the orthopaedic surgeon again, and we've decided that I won't be having surgery after all. The tendon is torn, true, but the other tendons and surrounding muscles are managing well, I have a reasonable range of movement which will only get better as I keep up the exercises, and I'm coping well at home with day to day things.
An operation would cause me unnecessary pain and once again limit my arm movement until it's properly healed, after 6 weeks in a sling. I can do without that if it really isn't necessary.
We also agreed that I could possibly try a little checkout work again soon, keeping within my light duties hours so as not to overdo things and strain the shoulder.
I'll be reviewing this with my local doctor, who will then adjust my medical certificates accordingly. Then it's just a matter of my supervisor working me into the roster schedule.
Note to self: Take it slow. You know you have a tendency to rush things, just take it easy. Don't overstretch, use two hands to lift the bigger things......


  1. Take it slow. Good advice.

    LOVE the little praying mantis - beautifully caught by your camera!

  2. Kath; I had to sit still for quite a while before he stopped trying to hide from me.

  3. hmmm salad - I've always thought it was the perfect side dish. (except for chips, or garlic bread, or chicken wings, or onion rings).

  4. Good luck with getting back to work. Your salad looks ace! And that praying mantis is sooo cute. Amazing shot.
    LOL I like Glen's thinking (a little too much, probably ;)

  5. Hi River,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and checking out our build-to-be. I think you're right about the window helping the balance. I'm just itching to start so will sign off on pretty much anything they put in front of me right now!
    Take care,
    Reinsey :)

  6. Great capture of the tiny critter.
    I bought some of those cucumber babies nom nom.
    Love your blog.

  7. PS Hope you arm heals well ...take it slow. I agree that is big op.


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