here's a few things I saw while in the city yesterday

I'd been to the Family Court building to drop off the last of the signed divorce papers.

It was a grey, cool day, but as I left the Family Court building, the sun came out, so I took out the camera, which now lives in my bag most of the time.
Because you never know when you might spot something photoworthy.

Like pockets of green in amongst the city buildings.

A row of identical windows.

A really big communications tower on top of a building.

The Central Market tower.

Many more communications towers, for all those mobile phones.
And yet, just a drop in the bucket, if one were to count all such towers in and around Adelaide.

This cute waiter, standing outside a cafe.

When I got home, I went outside and picked these beans for my dinner.

All in all, a pretty good day.


  1. Magical. I love the way you notice, cherish and preserve the small things. Which of course are the big things.

  2. And great pix - as always! Why not make your day even better by linking one of your great posts to the travel-related Blog Hop I'm hosting? You've got such a great eye for detail - your posts about Hahndorf would be ideal!

    Have a wonderful evening!!

  3. The photos took my eye because we have been talking about Adelaide as a destination.
    Hey Red, I better check out your blog hop !

  4. Elephant's Child; Magical? You've just made my day.

    Red Nomad OZ; I don't know how to link an old post to a new destination. Talk me through it?

    Jim; If you like lazy little cities with unexpected surprises you'll enjoy Adelaide. Have you been here before?

  5. Divorce? From what I've seen on the internet ex-husbands get renamed Asshat. Will we be hearing about the Asshat? ("Low rotten miserly stupid....")

    Plus all his bad habits, don't forget them.

    Royal Society for the Study of Asshats.

  6. R.H. No, he's not an Asshat. He has problems that I'm no longer able to put up with, but I won't be dissing him on this blog. He has mental problems that can't be overcome, underneath that is a heart of gold.


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