Thank God It's Friday.

I don't go to work on Fridays, so today I get to rest.

All I need to do today is:-
a load of washing;
sweep and wash the floors;
clean the shower;
go and pay my rent;
go to Bunnings for a new toilet roll holder, (the one here is all rusty),
and some bigger pots for my jade plants; 
(and the roses)
and I'll need potting mix too...hope they deliver;
go to Dick Smith for some printer ink;
go to Spotlight and check out what they have in the way of curtain rods, brackets, rod ends;
then go to Haighs for some yummy chocolate, (I have a gift voucher).
I should probably buy a couple of spare bus tickets too.

What was that I said about resting?


  1. Leave cleaning the shower for another day. I would.

  2. That's a lot of things. I hope you manage to get some rest on your day off!

    We call it Dickus Smithus around here.

  3. That sounds like a very busy day. Look after yourself. Love the chocolate reward for those jobs though.

  4. That sounds like a weeks worth of work. The thing is, it's work you are doing for yourself and therefore (probably?) enjoyable. Have a great day and enjoy that chocolate.

  5. Find a day you want to spend splashing about in the shower then go for it with the cleaners, etc.
    Otherwise put your feet up and enjoy the miserable weather ;)

  6. You're always the busy bee and rewarding yourself after a hard days cleaning with chocolate is a Bonza idea enjoy :-).

  7. Andrew; I cheated and just wiped it dry instead. It looks good enough.

    Sarah; I got most of them done. Skipped going to Bunnings, I didn't want to wait around in the rain for another bus. I can go another day.
    LOL at Dickus Smithus.

    EC; It's really not such a busy day, most of those things don't take all that long.

    Delores; yes, it's enjoyable work. Anything to make this little place a home is enjoyable.

    Jayne; I've given the shower just a wipe down instead. I'll save the heavy cleaners for another day.

    Windsmoke; busy is better than being bored and chocolate is a great reward.


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